About 2months clean. Will I pass drug test?


Active Member
20yrs old, weighing at 140lbs.

I haven't smoked in 2 months. After the first month I failed drug test by Army recruiter.
And for the 2nd month clean, Ive been drinking atleast a gallon of water a day with occasionally taking niacin pills. Last week ive been drinking close to 2 gallons a day.

I have to test tomorrow, Will I pass?

p.s Prior to stopping, I was a heavy smoker. I'd smoke an 8th at a sitting, and this was Top Grade shit. Best around and anything you said would be better, would either match the quality or not be as good.


Well-Known Member
Yeah you should be fine but to be safe stop in at gnc and pick up some tetra cleanse. Disregard the directions take 20 a day for 3 days and you should be fine. thats how i do it.
Go to your nearest drug store and look for a marijuana THC test kit. Their like 99.998% legit based on whats written on them. I used like three for a month to make sure it was out of my system. Becarful with masking agents cause I heard they can detect if a person has taken any other substances which aren't normal to take or very high.


Active Member
Military drug tests go way lower than the kits they test for 5 nanograms, but at two months you will be good trust me, I had that system worked to a perfection while i was in. Your definately good to go so good luck in the Army god bless, and a note you wont be the same after weather good or bad your outlook on life will change all together


Active Member
Thanks for the reassurance. Ill let you all know tomorrow how it turned out.

Thanks again for the help.


Well-Known Member
i had a nightmare that my wife signed me up for the army and i was choking her yelling YOU KNOW I CANT SMOKE WEED IN THE ARMY RIGHT!?