AAAARGH - When is a seedling not a seedling and how often do i water it and how long?

I have just started out and need some help.

First of all, I have a few seedlings which i have just transplanted into the larger grow cubes (rockwool).

The only problem is that now the cover is on (with plant holes cut in), how do I tell when to water them and for how long.

I already over watered a few of them and it breaks my heart to see all that happiness just fade away.



Well-Known Member
you say you grow in rockwool if you put your seed in the small rockwool cube it needs to be soaked in water and a week nute mix...then when roots are at the bottom of the cube but that cube in the next size up or put it where ever your growing it in, you started the seed off with water


Active Member
I used Root Riot cubes on my last batch of seeds. As soon as the first sprout was above the surface, there was a root hanging from the bottom of the cube. From there I went to a solo cup with seed starter pro-mix. My seeds are sprouted different times and I didn't want to let it damp off in the dome, so as they showed above the surface is when I'd move em out. I feel like the benefit of cubes is they are designed to hold the perfect amount of moisture. Just keep it wet, not sure over wetting can really be a problem. They are already pourous materials, so any water that is TOO much should naturally drip off as long as they are not suspended in standing water. This is at least the case with the root riots. Once the sprout is out of the cube tho, too much wettness can be a prob, so try to get it out of the dome at that point. I got 14/15 seeds growing pretty strong now in solo cups. I just water em like normal plants now. Heavy water, then let em dry 85%, then water again.


Well-Known Member
i give my rockwool cubes a quick flick down to get some water out as thay can hold to much ;-)


Well-Known Member
if you can pick the cube up do so you should be able to tell by weight if it is saturated partly saturated or dry.Do not water rockwool till it allmost completely dry.Good Luck 2 u


Well-Known Member
i give my rockwool cubes a quick flick down to get some water out as thay can hold to much ;-)
A salad spinner works really well too.....I used to use rockwool a lot years ago, and once the ph soak is done, I'd put a few cubes in the spinner, and they'd be dried out enough to put the seedlings/clones in, and water as needed, without having a wet cube. This way all the bs water is out, and only the water your plants need gets added, without overwatering as a negative result.