A view of Hermaphodite Diesel- hermies


Active Member
Out of 10 Diesel strain seeds, organically indoor grown with LST style, I got what I thought were 3 females, but one has now shown obvious signs of being Hermie.

I have attached some pictures I took to have some views of what is a fascinating plant. It's almost twice the size of the other Female from the same strain. See the comparison pics. The Female is DENSE . Packed tight! The Hermie started out like that, but progressively kept throwing out long Silver hairs coated in THC. The hermie also started to keep growing vegetation at a rapid rate, ever climbing to the light source. The hairs and tri's kept coming. THEN some banana's started showing up VERY late into the flowering. I noticed on another strain, a few seeds. Very few at that matter. I knew there was no true male to have pollinated, so i was kind of confused. But about a week later, this is when I see the Banana looking pods on the Big Diesel.
Now it clicks! So these are Hermi seeds. They will probably now show up on all 14 plants, aside from the Hermi itself? Since they were growing all in the same chamber.
I think it will remain very few seeds, as these Male parts have come basically with only 2 weeks left to flower. Is this common? So I have a big bushy and resin laden Hermi that's been separated and will be harvested in 2 weeks time .

Enjoy the pics. I got a shot where you can see the actual pollen 'beads' on one of the banana pods! Love my scientific nom placement? hahah Sowwy...don't know what those pods are actuallycalled..excuse my lackness. ;)

A note of the pics.. The smaller bushier plant in the pics, is a female.



Well-Known Member
Man those are some great pictures! I am not sure if mine is hermie or not but has pods with two white hairs coming out of it. I've been picking and eating them. Wish I can take a picture so someone can confirm. I might be eating something I should leave on. Great pictures though. Thanks.


Well-Known Member
Man those are some great pictures! I am not sure if mine is hermie or not but has pods with two white hairs coming out of it. I've been picking and eating them. Wish I can take a picture so someone can confirm. I might be eating something I should leave on. Great pictures though. Thanks.
thats not a hermie, leave the white hairs its a female unless it has banannas


damn dude that sucks try to pck them off before they pollinate


Well-Known Member
thats not a hermie, leave the white hairs its a female unless it has banannas
Are you positive of this? It is growing right where the secondary branching is and only one. Two white hairs coming out of it but looks like the base is more of a ball. Wow that would be great if you are sure of that.:hump:


the first two are good pics and looks like a female if not a hermie, i would just keep picking them off so they dont pollinate like someone has said before.


Well-Known Member
the first two are good pics and looks like a female if not a hermie, i would just keep picking them off so they dont pollinate like someone has said before.
keep picking what? dude dont picc anything ull know wen u see balls


Yeah dude, that looks female for now. I had an Arjan's Haze that showed white pistils on most of the nodes in the first week of flowering, except for a couple nodes had BALLS! Me & my wife kept it. It was all female, never hermied. Decent smoke too!


Well-Known Member
I know that nobody wants to see their plant go hermie, but those banana things are so pretty. If you aren't growing it for the weed, the hermies would definitely win on the beauty side of things.


Active Member
So, is the consensus out, and is my plant a TRUE hermie?
I haven't seen "balls" only banana's. This seems like they go into self pollination.

A bit of a history about the batch of plants I have been talking about.

This was my first indoor grow, and I tried to use those HORRIBLE peat pots after germination to start my plants. Basically I guess I did not use them properly, as they were growing SO slow starting 2 weeks after planting. I thought this was ok for a while, but after a month and them being so tiny, but relatively healthy, I decided to open one of the peat pots up. I tore it apart, and I found White beads of mold in the bottom and sides. Didn't seem to kill anything, and I understand some fungus can be extremely beneficial to marijuana, but I don't think this is the case here. I then transplanted all 40 plants into bigger containers. I was basically a month behind what woud be normal, judging by the rate the plants were growing at, and the size/development.

I think this early part, Stressed the heck outta the babies. I basically got 18 Females at the time out of it.
Now, 5 months on, Almost all plants are at the end of their flowering cycle, ready to harvest, but like I mentioned, visible banana's on a few plants, and in tally current, there are 6 out of 13 plants that show some bananas. 2 Very prominent.

These plants, with the banana's seem to have some scattered seeds too, very few, but vital looking, but no 'balls' i can see.
They are also of note, larger flowering bunches and longer hairs, ect.
Very very beautiful plants.

These show up in ALL 3 strains I planted, so , the ultimate question, do you all think this is due to seed genetics (were bought all 3 strains from the same vendor) or is it because they Got stressed out early on. And.. ARE they True hermies, or late flowering self seeding females?? (if that exists?)