A theory on how to measure potency at home


Active Member
So I was high last night and curious on a way to figure out potency of any bud easily and accurately and so i put this together....

I plan to weigh out exactly one gram of chronic on a scale accurate to 1/1000th of a gram, set my Vapor Brothers Vape to exactly 392 and then smoke it all until it is cashed then re-weigh it.

I'm expecting results like this:

Cured Weight: 1.000g
Post vaporization weight: .817g
Total THC content: .183g = 18.3%

I am pretty optimistic about this and know how not to burn my stuff loaded in a whip so I dont think I will remove anything more than thc. I will order the items from the links and save some O.G. Kush if no one points out any major flaws. What do you guys think? .....all questions and comments are welcome


Well-Known Member
that would not work because THC is not the only chemical and cannabinoid that gets vaped, someone with access to advanced chemistry could examine it though, also you can send a sample to them to test but it gets expensive...bongsmilie


Active Member
I dont.....its just an estimate based on what I have seen off seed bank websites....the results i posted are a guess....I am guessing that after vaporizaion of 1.000 grams there will be .817 grams of cashed plant matter meaning .183 grams of thc was consumed or 18.3% potency for that bud


Active Member
that would not work because THC is not the only chemical and cannabinoid that gets vaped, someone with access to advanced chemistry could examine it though, also you can send a sample to them to test but it gets expensive...bongsmilie

do you have any material i could read on what gets vaporized?