A question of yields...

Ok, I know this one is a broad subject to touch on. I know all the different limiting factors and such, however, I'm just trying to get a good ball park. Let's say I'm growing a 50/50 indica/sativa species.

(Oh, and please don't turn this into which way grows danker herb, I just want a good estimate on this before I decide what I want to do.)

What is the usual yield on:

Indoor Organic (soil)
Indoor Organic (hydro)
General Hydroponics

I appreciate any feedback on this as I am trying to lay down the blueprints for a good grow.


Illegal Smile

Ok, I know this one is a broad subject to touch on. I know all the different limiting factors and such, however, I'm just trying to get a good ball park. Let's say I'm growing a 50/50 indica/sativa species.

(Oh, and please don't turn this into which way grows danker herb, I just want a good estimate on this before I decide what I want to do.)

What is the usual yield on:

Indoor Organic (soil)
Indoor Organic (hydro)
General Hydroponics

I appreciate any feedback on this as I am trying to lay down the blueprints for a good grow.

The reason it can't be answered is because the variance between the scenarios you as k about are even less than the variance because of other factors. If all were grown perfectly you get more outdoors. Indoors is a matter of opinion, plus your terms are not that well defined. Plus, not everyone is looking for maximum yield. Quality and taste and other factors are just as important.

IMO, the blueprint for a good grow lies in a plan to control as many variables as possible whichever method you use, and that's more important than "the" method you use.
I understand this. I worded that way to try and avoid the all too common, hydro vs soil vs aero vs bubble argument. Oh well.

My personal favorite so far is indoor organic for taste and high , but for my own purposes I'm also looking at space/yield factors.


Active Member
From what little experience I have, I believe Outdoors will normally get you the heavier yeild, but the 3 others usually end up with a better high.
(Correct me if I'm wrong, please! If I am, I just want to know the actual answer^_^)

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
outdoor 1/4 lb or more possible

indoor more like 1 oz probable

They other variables don't matter as much as grower skills, nutes, setup, wattage, weather


Well-Known Member
Hydro/aero should outyield soil grows because the veg stage is about half as long, so over time it will produce more as the turnaround is shorter. the sun puts out approx 1000 watts/Sq Meter, so 1000 watt HPS lights should yield nearly the same weight, only factor worth considering is the cost of setting up and running a multi 1Kwatt setup with Hydro/aero when out doors is free/nearly free.

Illegal Smile

A good indoor grow should not have a problem getting 2-3 dry oz per plant. I just got over an ounce from a 14 inch dwarf plant.
Thank you NoDrama and Illegal Smile, after looking around at the wealth of information available from the members here, I think I might venture towards a hydro SOG setup. Either that or bubbleponics. Not sure yet.

Appreciat it.