a question most ppl have never thought of


Active Member
Here is my question,
Ok if I take new seedlings and some rooting harmone b4 I put them in the jiffy pad,wat would happen,I mean any bad sitafexs?,
Would it speed up growth anything that would greatly help


Active Member
i think it will burn your seedling and kill it .. i would wait till the get a couple set of leaves and then give them a light dosage ..


i think it will burn your seedling and kill it .. i would wait till the get a couple set of leaves and then give them a light dosage ..
Im with goose on that i think it will kill the seed but its always somethin to try.

It might work well for transplanting seedlings


Root hormone powder helps when there are no preexisting roots. Root stimulators help seedlings and small plants.


Active Member
So water it with the root hormone, when it starting it 4set of leafs or mix it in with the soil on the bottom?


No don't use root hormone unless you are cloning. Buy root stimulate and use as directed. In my opinion you don't need all that stuff. Good soil is vital to root growth. Have you ever heard that saying if it isn't broke don't fix it. That applies here. Roots grow fast enough by themselves. If you want big plants just use a bigger container or dig a big ass hole.


Well-Known Member
Im with goose on that i think it will kill the seed but its always somethin to try.

It might work well for transplanting seedlings

It will either have no effect or it will severely stunt the growth. When it comes to rooting powder, less is more.

Personal experience.


Well-Known Member
Cannabis has been growing all by itself, for centuries, man.

I'm not trying to bag on you, or nothin', but I see lots of growers forgetting the basic rule of gardening.-Indoor AND out! The best we can do for our plants is to TRY and replicate nature. In a perfect world, we could all grow outside year round, and never have any worries. All we'd have to do is feed some nutes now and again.

Let it be a plant, brah... it doesn't need you to hold its hand.

Good luck.bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Let it be a plant, brah... it doesn't need you to hold its hand.
This, to me, is by FAR the most useful info for a new grower!

When I first started growing I thought these plants needed mass amounts of attention... WRONG! You have to learn to do what he said.

Just LET IT BE A PLANT, and grow on it's own. So important!


Well-Known Member
This, to me, is by FAR the most useful info for a new grower!

When I first started growing I thought these plants needed mass amounts of attention... WRONG! You have to learn to do what he said.

Just LET IT BE A PLANT, and grow on it's own. So important!
Excellent point!

I add a little Rootone to the water I use to germinate seeds.

Not to stimulate root growth, but to prevent mold with the antifungal agent in the powder.

It does what I want.