A question about mirrors


Active Member
Hi all.

I'm new here, first post. I've been a lurker here for long enough now, so I figured I'd join.

I'm currently looking to set up a grow room. Unfortunately I can't set one up where I am right now, I live in an apartment, and I am not interested in a closet type set up. But, I am looking at houses right now and when I find one, I want to make sure it has a good spot for a hidden room...

I have access to a some large mirrors that could be used to line the walls with. I've done some research using google, and I've gathered that it's not a good idea to use mirrors. What I am seeking to understand, is why are mirrors not recommended as a reflective surface?

Thanks in advance!


Well-Known Member
When light hits a mirror it has to pass through the glass and then is reflected back through the glass which absorbs certain spectrums of the light.


Active Member
ive been wondering this myself.... is this the case with all mirrors??... ie. silver backed?.... or can you get mirrors that do work?