A Psychonaut's Garden :)


New Member
Hi Guys,

Some pics of my sacred plant collection :) Still working hard on it, next one I want is HBWR...

All the San Pedro were cloned off a single mommy, the Catha Edulis is a new addition, so is the datura. Salvia is doing super well... The Delosperma Nubigenum is a source of N,N DMT, no bufotenine or other alkaloids worth mentioning, very little fats etc too but you need a SHITLOAD it dries to almost nothing. Fortunately I DO have a shitload haw haw haw... Mpepu isn't really psychedelic but it is held sacred in natural medicine in these parts, it gets lit like an incence to 'chase evil spirits'. A simple novelty that one is.



New Member
Thanks for the compliments guys, I guess I am a little too proud of it but man can't help being fascinated hehehehe...

I just got the best news EVER... I am soon to be the proud daddy of some Psychotria Viridis seeds, collected FRESH and sent straight here o_O If I can get only one to grow, only one, I will be over the moon :)


Well-Known Member
Morning glory and poppies are needed additions to your garden of earthly delights. Try some harmaline bearing plants as well - if you are going to do it right, do it all. I have always had such a garden.


New Member
About the Morning Glory, I'd LOVE to but I can't find a good STRONG one here. Tons of commercial varieties but most of them will have a stronger effect on your stomach than your head... It is why I am rather bending my mind towards acquiring HBWR, I've had just 10 seeds make fractals come out my ears and turn music into a very colourful expereince (to this day I associate sounds with colours and colours with emotions, as a musician this is of massive benefit!).

I draw the line at MAOI's though. They make me in-capable of toking reefer for a long time afterwards (I have Aspergers so yeah I gotta be real careful). I am also very careful with Mescaline, the amphetamine-ness of it lasts a lot longer on me than the actual psychedelic high. I am also very careful about sharing those, many an adverse reaction has been had by people I know and it lasts LONG if it's a bad one. MAOI's and psychedelic amphetamines are not the safest of intoxicants...

I'm a Tryptamine man myself. I can have pure DMT as often as I like, and LSD makes me fel like I've 'come home' and am finally kinda 'inside my own skin'. I've had many a 3-day work-session that started with 250mics :)

But Ayahuasca, no thanks, same goes for the analogs. Unfortunately my body's chemistry just does not allow the safe ingestion of MAOI's