A psychonaut with an unenlightened significant other?


Well-Known Member
Hey I handle monogamy and hals just fine, also the less of my drugs my wife use the better. I'd hate to have to buy twice as much pot as I do...
Little bugger will eat you out of house and home when it comes to mushrooms though.


Well-Known Member
i have a similar problem. ive been with my girl for about 3 months now and she sees how much i care about tripping and really wants to try it with me. keep in mind,before we got together, she hadnt done more than get drunk a couple times and maybe high a time or two. what should i start her with? fluff, nexus, aborts?
Don't let tripping be the gate at which you surrender your love. Let it be an outlet... if you GF see's you use psychedelics as a sacrament a medicine of art and exhibition she may be wondering what kind of marvel lies inside those big pupils of yours. Thats how I did so with my significant one... to entice one you must cherish it and let it remain hidden to the point where its romanced about. Like I say if she doesn't see you drool she won't see the insanity in the experience ;)


Well-Known Member
Hey I handle monogamy and hals just fine, also the less of my drugs my wife use the better. I'd hate to have to buy twice as much pot as I do...
Little bugger will eat you out of house and home when it comes to mushrooms though.
Amen to that brotha :lol:

Got to be a millionaire nowadays to support another crack addict ;)

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
Yeah i'm trying to have her around when I drop... Perhaps this would be a good start, to introducing whats important to me.

NEEED back rubs on L! Seriously!

I was in a bike wreck, and suffer from really bad back pain! Maybe it really pushes through my subconscious on L... It just feels like negative energy coming out of my back, being released... Man back rubs are amazing tripping regardless though


Well-Known Member
Acid, and even shrooms very easily causes alot of tension in the lower back over the kindeys, thats normaly the part of the day after I least look forward too.
Haveing some physical activity like danceing realy helps...


Well-Known Member
Oh don't get me WoW-ed up Sr. Verde :D

Perhaps a double blind study will tie the knot ;)

One moment fingers going down your back, the next strolls of digits down hers. She wont' know a thing :lol:


Well-Known Member
Some day I plan to make my wife drunk, don't think she has ever been pissed.


Active Member
while it may not be necessary to take psychedelics together to have a functioning relationship, it does have a way of taking that love to another level! you can truly make some love on lsd ;)


Well-Known Member
my girlfriend smokes pot (a little/ a lot less than I do)
she also has tripped LSD and mushrooms a few times.

she only trips for recreational purposes
and has never had a life changing event or experience of the sorts.
or even a big, realization.

so whenever I have one she thinks I am "insane" or "crazy"
and thinks I am a low life with no job when I am going to school and making excellent grades.
she makes me feel like psychoactive substances have NO value to society.
when I know they have truly helped me.
all she can say is prove it to me when you make some money and invest in your life.
and all I can do is smile because I have so much confidence in myself that I will be a success.

sucks she doesnt give a shit about my grades OR my confidence but I love her to death
and I cant wait to prove her wrong.
then one day too she will realize what she is missing out on.

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I feel you brother.
You are already a success .... unfortunate she does not see this.
Also unfortunate that at this stage ... she makes you
feel as YOU need to prove to her such small things.

Art can not be rushed ... and does not subscribe to 'time'
Unless you wanna be a pop artist .... and drive fancy cars .... :)

Define success as you see it .... ?
Where does your inspiration come from ..... ?
Does she share similar sentiments of his definition ?
Or is her life based on MONEY ... and material gain ?
And what you might be able to provide ....?
In return for companionship and sex .... ?




Well-Known Member
her life IS based on money and material things to gain.

i got lots of questioning to do thanks to you.

much love Puffer <3
thank you

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
How is one to make art ... if not inspired ?
How is one to be understood by OTHER in love ...... if the one does not understand the core of what YOU R ?
Money is not success .... it is a product of success.
Artists do not produce for Money ... they 'shaman' people with what they make ..
Create impact ....
That is ART ..... impact ... as you project it .... with what you do !
If you create emotional impact you are an ARTIST .....
The ultimate reward is ..... the process of making it ...... and the MINDS BLOWN

If you don't create an impact ..... you will be perceived as Amusing and Entertaining.
You will sure get paid tho .... making cereal boxes ...

Perhaps you are just an investment ... a plausible future ... in her periphery ...
If her plan works out.
What is her PLAN ?
Perhaps it is about the journey ?


U need to find yourself A
PsYchedelic MUSE


Well-Known Member
You gotta remember one thing however, as long as the love between you is true, its one of the best things you can have. A drug will make you high, laugh, learn, be sick, go insane, die etc... But your life partner will always be looking after you, as you are for her... dont forget that one.

I could say my girlfriends a bit materialistic too, but I wouldn`t be where I was if it weren`t for her devious organising girly mind :) I don`t expect to be %100 connect with a girl, they are a different species with different priorities. A relationship is an agreement of looking after and understanding each other on this journey, and I love her and will sacrifice a lot as long as I can see the sense within... Watch them carefully, good intensions/bad intensions and expectations...

Puffer Fish

Well-Known Member
I am saving this space Tenner.
I got some questions.




Well-Known Member
my girlfriend smokes pot (a little/ a lot less than I do)
she also has tripped LSD and mushrooms a few times.

she only trips for recreational purposes
and has never had a life changing event or experience of the sorts.
or even a big, realization.

so whenever I have one she thinks I am "insane" or "crazy"
and thinks I am a low life with no job when I am going to school and making excellent grades.
she makes me feel like psychoactive substances have NO value to society.
when I know they have truly helped me.
all she can say is prove it to me when you make some money and invest in your life.
and all I can do is smile because I have so much confidence in myself that I will be a success.

sucks she doesnt give a shit about my grades OR my confidence but I love her to death
and I cant wait to prove her wrong.
then one day too she will realize what she is missing out on.
What you would find in counceling is what she exibits is the behaviour she expects from you.
And what you exibit is what you want her to be more like.... acknowledgeing it, and moveing towards each others expectations, increases the space where she might feel safe enough to do more than try to keep shit together (the way she probably sees things).


Active Member
My girlfriend used to hate it when I smoked weed. She even asked me to quit at one point and I did for a short time, all the while talking about things like legalization and psychedelics and all the ideas that nobody gets taught about drugs. Even to this day she still thinks "I talk too much about drugs sometimes".

But theres a reason I talk about it and that is to teach her about what drugs really are. And she has learned, she went from asking me to quit smoking weed to taking interest in my grows and smoking every day with me. Its amazing how things change. She has a mild interest in experimenting with drugs but mainly that stems from me wanting to try them so she wants to do them with me. Together we've done ecstasy twice and shrooms once, also drinking often and smoking weed every day. I did acid last sunday and she was supposed to be there but got sick and had to go to the doctors that morning, well I went anyway. It dropped from 6 people to 2 people so I probably could've cancelled and postponed it, but I went through with it and she got mad because she felt that it was a big thing in my life and she wanted to be there with me and expierence it together.

Its amazing how things can change but what I tell my girlfriend is I'm gonna try drugs now rather than later when im 28 and having kids. That always seems to shut her up because she sees that I still have my long term goals in sight. Drugs just are in the background teaching me about the world occasionally.


Well-Known Member
well I can only speak of my woman/babysmom. She fuckin rocks! She didnt smoke or anything when I first got with her about 3 years ago since then weve rolled, tripped on lsd twice, tripped on mushrooms a few times, smokes cannabis daily, done to many roxi 30's, uhm..........we had a night of cocaine and crown royal hehe.............. even fuckin robo tripped lmao. Yeah ive been a pretty good bad influence but she sure has had alot of fun!