A postcard to all my friends.


Well-Known Member
I have only had my camera since December, and I've never really taken pictures alot in my life. But here is what I have taken pictures of, now that I know there is a thread with people who want to see beauty I will be taking pictures all the time of some truly awesome stuff. Oregon is full of beautiful scenery, one day soon I will take alot of nice picture for you guys. Until then here is what I can contribute. Enjoy.
Slow connections beware, hi-res photos.

Picture taken from my front lawn.

A hill off of I-5 near Eugene, Oregon.

Mount Shasta (Pic taken while driving)

A Mountain off I-5 in California (north of Shasta City)

Lake Tahoe

Reno's night lights.



Well-Known Member
Now for the old pics. The Netherlands and Germany, Winter 2003-04. These aren't hi-res unfortunetly.

Let's start with windmills outside Amsterdam.

Bike parking garage outside the trainstation in Amsterdam.

Winter in Germany

Castles in Germany

White Widow in Amsterdam (forget coffeeshop name)



Well-Known Member
Thanks 420th, shes a pure Aussie sativa. I love your pics of the Castles in Germany, iv always wanted to see them. One day....

Morp, that pic with the elephants is cool.



Well-Known Member
I thought I'd show the vette some rollitup love, and show rollitup some vette love. She's '62 with a dual carb. 327. Everything down to the tires are the same exact thing this car came out of the factory with. Notice the 9,006 miles on the odometer. This baby is cherry.



Well-Known Member
My grandfathers. He let me drive it once with him in it, I drove the speed limit. I also attempted to take it out once while he was out of town. I got it sideways in the driveway and decided that I shouldn't take it out on a public road, not because I feared I was going to kill myself. But I feared my grandfather would kill me if anything happened to that car.

If I wrecked it and lived I would have to live knowing I wrecked my grandfathers dream car that he wanted when he was a kid and got when he was older and well accomplished, I couldn't live with that burden.

One thing I do have is trust though, I have keys to every garage/shop of his and he told me where the keys for the cars are.. in case anything were to happen to him.


Well-Known Member
i love you all!! i need to get out into the world now. i love the castles. 9006 original miles? NO WAY!!


Just some idiot
I'm pretty jealous of you guys. I could wander downtown this weekend but somehow the liberty bell and William Penn aren't too exciting after these pictures....I need to travel:cry: