A New Harvest Twice ?


Active Member
with my lady 2 weeks into flower i trimmed a fare amount but left some with the intension of it being for hash, now i sit with about two to three weeks until harvest and my quandary is.....Can I trim what is still going to be used to make hash early so the last big growth goes to what will be smoked?

I know it will cause stress but late into bloom i have read stress helps produce more trichs. Is two-three weeks too early ad will this cause too much stress?

Also people have harvested the top of plants and left the bottom to ripen so after a stoned ramble a more precise ? is Would the reverse work?


Well-Known Member
what a waste..that "bud" you clipped off had about as much thc as some grass clippings..just mow your lawn instead and smoke that...it might get you higher. If budda didnt say it he should have "patience is a virtue" Let it grow and you will be way happier that you did...second harvest? I dont think you got a first one.:shock:


Active Member
If budda didnt say it he should have "patience is a virtue" Let it grow and you will be way happier that you did...second harvest? I dont think you got a first one.:shock:
Haha i like the buddHa comment, but dude i have yet to cut anything!! Why can't we have an active debate and try and get an answer rather then passing judgement. thanks


Well-Known Member
i wouldent have trimed anything inless its a few deadones or jus a few leaves that r in the way but we should hve a debate i mean thats wut this place is for but idk where i was going with this but it had a point


New Member
sounds bad to me... a flowering plant being trimmed... i dont cut or pull anything off at all, if it dies i let it come off naturally. I'd never be able to stab my plants during flowering. They mean too much.


Active Member
sounds bad to me... a flowering plant being trimmed... i dont cut or pull anything off at all, if it dies i let it come off naturally. I'd never be able to stab my plants during flowering. They mean too much.

It doesn't hurt to trim the lower 1/3 of the fanleaves off the plant a few weeks into flower. In my room they will not get much light anyway.
So if this is the case in a growroom or closet, it will not decrease yield very much, if at all.
I lollipopped mine like that, and i got about 100 grams (2 plants, vegged 4 weeks) of a 150 W hps light with hydrosystem.

Peace :peace: