A lizard fell on my crotch


Well-Known Member
Hi all

So im sitting on my armchair and upon a few tokes on a joint i get startled by a lizard falling on my crotch. I flick the fucker off and he falls on the table, he appeared to be dead. As any stoner would do, i proceeded to enjoying my joint before discarding the body. To my suprise about 5 min after the incident the little guy just woke up and kept on going about his business! Pretty sure he was just at the right place at the right time, stuck to my ceiling right above me, got a waft of something potent and had a little pass out for a bit.

This incident makes me conclude that if you ever suspicious of a being being dead, finish your joint first cause theres a chance that being may still be alive.

P.s.: No crotches were harmed in the filming of this exposition.


Well-Known Member
That's the infamous Spanish Crotch Lizard. It lives on the penises of affluent European men in a naturally symbiotic relationship: Your penis keeps it at a healthy body temperature, and in turn it contracts and releases its grip in a pleasurable manner. They are endangered, so by harming them you risk heavy fines and penalties. Reported...
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Well-Known Member
That's the infamous Spanish Crotch Lizard. It lives on the penises of affluent European men in a naturally symbiotic relationship: Your penis keeps it at a healthy body temperature, and in turn it contracts and releases it grip in a pleasurable manner. They are endangered, so by harming them you risk heavy fines and penalties. Reported...
And all this time I just thought I was uncircumcised.