A little help please


Active Member
Hi, I need to ask a question and I'm sure I'll sound like a noobie but I need the help

My friend and I got a clone each; he went outdoor and I'm doing it indoor. His plant has already bloomed but mine just keeps on growing and growing. It's huge for an indoor plant but I'm not sure why it's not blooming. It used to get 15 hours of light but in the past 3 days I changed it to 10 hours of light.

I'd like to know why mine hasn't bloomed yet and why it's taking so long

thank you!

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
well right off the bat your buddies plant is budding cause he's catching the last little bit of the natural grow season outdoors, right the the days are getting short and the red spectrum is more prevalant due to seasonal tilt... you need to put your clone on a 12 on 12 off cycle... what kind of setup are yu working with


Well-Known Member
:peace::eyesmoke:Reducing the hours of light was the right move. But try 12 hours a day and the other 12 hours must be in total darkness. Any light, even dim light, will keep the plant in a vegetative state rather than a blooming state. It will take a couple weeks before you will notice a difference in the growth of the plant and two months of reduced light until harvest. Also a change in nutrients to a blooming formula will increase bud size and quality. Hope this helps:sleep:

dogglet forever

Well-Known Member
:peace::eyesmoke:Reducing the hours of light was the right move. But try 12 hours a day and the other 12 hours must be in total darkness. Any light, even dim light, will keep the plant in a vegetative state rather than a blooming state. It will take a couple weeks before you will notice a difference in the growth of the plant and two months of reduced light until harvest. Also a change in nutrients to a blooming formula will increase bud size and quality. Hope this helps:sleep:
most excellent info!


Well-Known Member
:wall:And for future indoor grows, start your 12/12 lighting when the plant is only 6 to 12 inches tall. That plant will still grow another 2 feet or more during the blooming phase depending on the strain of MJ you are growing.:sleep:


Active Member
:wall:And for future indoor grows, start your 12/12 lighting when the plant is only 6 to 12 inches tall. That plant will still grow another 2 feet or more during the blooming phase depending on the strain of MJ you are growing.:sleep:

Ahhh thank you!

Will it make a difference in potency if I let it grow longer on an 18/6 cycle?

The plant has been growing for about 3 months now and keeps gaining height. I keep cutting the larger leaves so that the smaller ones can get more sunlight...good or bad move?

my set up is really basic and it's only 1 plant but i have fluorescent lighting


Active Member
The formula I use now is the regular miracle grow one.... This must really make me sound like a noob

Should I use blooming formula right away or wait until it starts blooming? Also, what is a good blooming solution that is widely available?


Well-Known Member
:eyesmoke:Also, if you are growing from a healthy clone straight to bloom. Go with HPS (High Pressure Sodium) lighting all the way. This lighting mimics the fall sun and will grow larger buds than MH(Metal Halide) light bulbs. MH light bulbs are for vegetative growth and are more for keeping mother plants for clones and growing plants from seed.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Ahhh thank you!

Will it make a difference in potency if I let it grow longer on an 18/6 cycle?

The plant has been growing for about 3 months now and keeps gaining height. I keep cutting the larger leaves so that the smaller ones can get more sunlight...good or bad move?

my set up is really basic and it's only 1 plant but i have fluorescent lighting
:eyesmoke:Potency will be higher in a plant that is 4 months or more older
(before the blooming phase) when grown from seed. However, a clone taken from a mother plant of four months or older will not increase in potency when grown longer on an 18/6 cycle.
:eyesmoke:Don't cut off any leaves that aren't at least 50% dead already.
:eyesmoke:A bigger plant will produce more bud but, you have to have the room and the proper lighting to take advantage of a bigger plant.:sleep:


Active Member
:eyesmoke:Potency will be higher in a plant that is 4 months or more older
(before the blooming phase) when grown from seed. However, a clone taken from a mother plant of four months or older will not increase in potency when grown longer on an 18/6 cycle.
:eyesmoke:Don't cut off any leaves that aren't at least 50% dead already.
:eyesmoke:A bigger plant will produce more bud but, you have to have the room and the proper lighting to take advantage of a bigger plant.:sleep:
Room is not much of an issue... it's more to go with lighting

right now i'm using fluorescent and I'm looking into HPS but they seem a little costly for a student like me... any alternatives?


Well-Known Member
The formula I use now is the regular miracle grow one.... This must really make me sound like a noob

Should I use blooming formula right away or wait until it starts blooming? Also, what is a good blooming solution that is widely available?
:eyesmoke:I'm assuming you are growing in soil. And for that I'm not sure.
I grow in a homemade aero-hydroponic system which is much different.:sleep:


Well-Known Member
Room is not much of an issue... it's more to go with lighting

right now i'm using fluorescent and I'm looking into HPS but they seem a little costly for a student like me... any alternatives?
:eyesmoke:Flourescent lighting is great for starting seedlings and rooting clones. But, the intensity of flourescent lights is not enough to grow a healthy amount of bud. I have heard of people growing bud from flourescent lights. But, I can't imagine them getting much for their efforts. I imagine that weaker lighting would also decrease potency. A minimum of a 250 watt HPS would be needed.:sleep:
:eyesmoke:Another cheaper alternative that might be a step up from a flourescent light would be floodlight type bulbs that are labeled as grow lights. They work in standard light sockets without the need for a special balast system. But, these are usually meant for small house plants that don't get enough direct light through the windows.:sleep: