A little help. please..Im a first timer!


Active Member
lol ok ok guys u got me... as u can tell i am truly a first timer. i had no idea what the male plants looked like, but i knew they were un-smokable. but i do have a few female plants and i am positive they are female. but what i would like to know is if the hairs are like a dark dark purple color would they be ready for harvesting?? thanks


Well-Known Member
lol ok ok guys u got me... as u can tell i am truly a first timer. i had no idea what the male plants looked like, but i knew they were un-smokable. but i do have a few female plants and i am positive they are female. but what i would like to know is if the hairs are like a dark dark purple color would they be ready for harvesting?? thanks

and dude...those fems are probably FULL of seeds.


Active Member
i have no clue what the plant might be. i got all my seeds from this tattoo guy...some of the fem plants do have a few seeds in them but the purple plant that im curious about is all buds:eyesmoke: i plan on putting pics up today because i would really like to have an idea of what strand it is. i looked at them today after about a week.. the hairs are like a fuchsia color.. im excited


Active Member
if i was you i wouldn't go gambling for a while, what method did you use to start(cuts, bag seed, etc...)