A Little Guide Request


Hey, so I've been looking at the main guide in this forum, and I am only planning on growing about 2-4 plants for myself. Does anyone know of a guide they could point me to? or some direction they could give me? Thanks for reading my thread, 3610. :peace:


Well-Known Member
There are hundreds of them out there.
If you are going to grow in a small space you may want to read my journals. links below in my sig.


Well-Known Member
But seriously folks, you didnt mention whether you are going to grow in soil or hydro. Do you have lights yet? How much space do you have? Will you have separate veg/ flower rooms? Do you plan to clone? How about nutrients?

As mentioned before, there are a lot of different specialized areas on this forum and you could wear your eyes out trying blindly to find what you need.

The more we know about what you know will help us point you in the right direction. I dont mean to come off like an asshole, but I am one.lol:eyesmoke::peace:


Well-Known Member
Marijuana Horticulture: The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Grower's Bible [Book] by Jorge Cervantes


Active Member
One of the best books that I have read out there is:

Marijuana Horticulture, The Indoor/Outdoor Medical Marijuana Grower`s Bible
by Jorge Cervantes

These where one of the first books i read before i even tried to grow, it taught me basically everything i needed to know to start growing.
Has some amazing color photos.


Well-Known Member
makes perfect sense.

Your plants are your mirror, they are. They will guide you better than any other. You will guide yourself more than any other. All we can do is comment on the relationship. All books can do is describe the mirror to you, even though you know it best, its sitting right in front of you. All mirrors are different, and can only reflect what is right in front of them. If you don't like what you see, change the scenery. Get it?

Bonzi Lighthouse

Well-Known Member
makes perfect sense.

Your plants are your mirror, they are. They will guide you better than any other. You will guide yourself more than any other. All we can do is comment on the relationship. All books can do is describe the mirror to you, even though you know it best, its sitting right in front of you. All mirrors are different, and can only reflect what is right in front of them. If you don't like what you see, change the scenery. Get it?
Nice! I think we have a plant whisperer in our company.


Well-Known Member
yes i do get it , its just common sense wrapped up in metaphysical bullshit.
If you got it you would understand that its not bullshit. You would know that I am talking about a lot more than plants, or simply growing cannabis. Its more than common sense.


Well-Known Member
please dont patronise me dragon, ive smoked weed and dropped acid and 'tuned in to the great mother earth and all her wonderous truths', metaphysical bullishit. no offence mate but i'm almost 40 years old and i've heard all this shit before, i discovered the secret maths of the atomic structure after a good bong, i even wrote it down....it made no fuckin sense the next day when i was straight. oh and i think i heard the voice of god whilst listening to pink floyd as well. if u wanna dress like a druid and chant sum mantras, burn sum incense and sacrifice a chicken( virgins being thin on th ground) when ur having a joint or growing ur weed then go for it buddy,btw when u harvest plants use a pure silver knife and only do it by the light of a gibbous moon.


Well-Known Member
i find mithril silver to be the best but its a bugger tracking down a dwarf and the elfs dont want to buy your gear although the orcs like a toke now and then but never give a hobbit any after midnight, and never give gandalf credit the bastard never pays on time, usually gives u some bullshit about his old age pension not being in the bank when he goes for it, i know its bullshit, he's being spending it on hookers again.


Well-Known Member
hehe. Almost 40, but you still don't understand. I'm not patronizing you, rather the reverse. And no, you don't get it, your arrogance belies this fact. Its a Literal statement I have made, and more to the point, its a logical statement that is true. Please stop with the bantering insults. This is a thread where guidance has been sought, and provided, and your just mucking the reflection in the water.

Stainless steel, and waxing moon, :P.