A List of plants that look like Marijuana


Active Member
yea i have a japanese maple in my front yard.its huge like 8-9 ft tall.the leafs look a lot like weed in some parts of the year.
you should dig it up and sell it...mad cash to buy mj or start a mj grow op:) haha just kidding its a beautiful tree
Another plant that mimics the marijuana is the swamp hibiscus, I received a cutting from a gardening fair put on by the extention service at a local elementary school (out of school for summer) This plants leaves are very similar, but he plant looks different. I would include a picture but I cannot figure out how to do it.


Well-Known Member
yeah dude that's definitely at least in the same genus. it might even be the same species, different variety - there was 2 kinds of my plant growing along the shore (one looked a lot like a weird fern). I'm thinking my plant probably doesn't have leaf growth on the flower stalks due to being grown under water. and my leaves are dark green on top and white on the bottom. its funny how my fake pot looks like indica while your fake pot looks like sativa. I'll get you a genus name, even if I have to email a bunch of botanists. thanks for the photo!

It's a cinquefoil, or potentilla.

Buster 420

Active Member
Lupine is the closest wild plant in my area. I don't think it looks even close but for an untrained eye, I can see how.


Well-Known Member
come on dont forget about the castor bean plant, looks like marijuana more than japanese maple or cleome, imo


Well-Known Member
lol. at my school there are a bunch of bushes that are starting to flower, they have 7,9,11 fingered leaves much like a weed plant, but without the saw shape teeth. they are budding just like a weed plant would.. exept instead of actual bud, its a bunch of hard little flowers and shells which i think hold seeds inside. from far away they look like 6 ft tall marijuana bushes about 4 weeks into flowering with purple buds lol.


Well-Known Member
they get f'ing beasty too i had one next to my house that grew to eight feet in a season and the stalk was an 1.5'' thick at the base


Found this growing in my field yesterday. It looks like pot but I don't think it is. Theres seven leaves on each one and there are no flowers. Anyone know what it is? :confused:
I tied a few pink fake flowers to my plants to try to make them mimick The Swamp Hibiscus....from a distance it actually works very well, although some would argue it draws more attention to the plants---not the case for me however