a list i say, a list


Ok fellow riu fans, let's put our heads together and make a list of sure signs cops or rats look for when trying to spot a grow house. What to do to protect our babies?


Well-Known Member
We shouldn't have to grow only in a medical state. MMJ should be legal for everyone. Until then, I will continue to grow my own and reap the benefits.


Active Member
Thats a nice thought but not everyone has that option, and not everyone qualifies for a card. I live in a med state, and even though I have severe problems in my back caused by a genetic disease, it doesn't qualify, they are very strict here. If I hop over the border to Oregon, I can get it for having diarrhea practically but that is not an option for me at this time. This is a good idea for those who can't grow legally, whatever the reason, it is something I worry about personally.


bud bootlegger
You wanna be safe? Go to a medical state and grow legally.
i always laugh at people with this kind of attitude.. after all of the recent fed raids lately, i would think that everyone out there would know by now that there is really no such thing as growing legally, whether you've got a card or not, your still breaking federal law by growing so called legally.. lmao..


Well-Known Member
#1: large amounts of light escaping from open doors/windows.... prighty obvious..
#2: "Blacked out" portions of the house. AKA all windows to one large room completly blacked out
#3: Smell, this is a big one.... i live in a place where cops walk through some neighbourhoods with their drug dogs. even an "off-duty" cop can call it in to his buddys....
#4: power consumption. hard to get away from and its a BAD idea to try and steal power. that gets you more trouble than growing alot of the time.....

there are some things that you cant get away from. in vancouver they do regular "sweeps" with a gamma ray scanner (dont know how it works, but it does... has since the 60's..) and they have been busting alot of large grows because of it.
the best advice i can give is to keep it to yourself. its common sense but i know alot of people who have talked and been busted for it.

just dont give them probable cause! :D