A How to from Mane**(How To order seeds the best way)***


Well-Known Member
the only ones that don't require a SSN are the gift cards, and if you get the gift card you can only use it in the U.S....just bought the visa gift card this a.m. and tried to make an order on attitude, and it doesn't work b/c its outside the U.S....i think i may use a cashiers check now, that is probably safer then using my credit card w/ my name i would think


Active Member
mane whats your email bro i need to send u these pics of my hydro with reg seed 3 weeks into flowering. Also wondering if reg seed grow faster in vegetation than named brand seed because my shit grew like 25 inch in 4 weeks


Well-Known Member
There is no reason bag seed would, or should grow faster then good genetics. If yours grew tall fast, it may be Sativa dominant, or it may have been stretching to reach the lights. In either case, 25" in 4 weeks is alot of vertical growth, how bushy was it? You have to remember there's a good chance that it is going to almost double in size once you flower the plant, so I hope you have enough room.


New Member
Dude..bag seed sucks...the usual genetics for bagseed are BigBud & Chronic..these are known as "commercial"strains because they are grown for their yield,and not their high,or bag appeal.It doesnt matter if you grow a bagseed as best you can,it will never compare to a so called "brand name" strain grown to their best ability...doesnt even come close...for example,regs grown hydro will be potent,but is still a leafy,mexican sativa...which has loss potency from being grown generation after generation in poor condtions....


Active Member
dam hurts me bad but i have white widow and #1 skunk about to grow. but yeah they grew really fast and i know they are sativa because of the leaves but the bud is lookin alright but yeah it was just really tall during veg not wide at all. its in a drip hydroponic system.


New Member
By all means..you should be excited that you will soon have some homegrown to smoke..which will be tasty,potent weed..if cured and dried properly...the ay I see it,sure genetics is important for the final products,but you cant have shitty weed if theyr not grown properly...as long as you grow properly,dry and cure for ATLEAST 2 weeks..then your weed will be some GOOOD shit...


Active Member
yeah its grown great but im running out of room lol just like you said. i change water every 10 days 6.4 ph not the best light tho. also i heard u only have to dry for a week? whats the deal with drying and curing i havent read much on it. But i dont wanna fuck the last stage of my green ..


Well-Known Member
drying and curing are the most important parts! its what makes you bud tasty and potent. its not very complicated just hang it up for a few days until its dry enough to put into air tight jars. leave it in there for a week or two and just pop the top a couple times a day to let out the moisture. some people cure for a few weeks others a few months the longer the better...


Active Member
alright sounds good. i will do that.. and also i have a 400 watt Hortilux Enhanced bulb but i dont have a ballast for it yet, so does it matter alot when im flowering to get my ballast and get the bulb running?


Well-Known Member
im not really sure i understood that question haha but yeah i would get those up and running for flowering... what are you using now?


Active Member
does it matter that much for flowering what light i use? Right now im using just a 150 watt color spectrum house light and with 2 other 100 watt house lights


New Member
Looks nice..Ima run donw how I think is the ebst way to dry and cure after harvest...

1.Cut plant from the bottom of the main stem.Hang entire plant down with a string or clamp,leave plant in A dark wel ventilated room with a fan blowing around.Leave like this for 3-4 days...

2.Trim all fan leaves,but leave the inner bud leaves..this will protect the trichomes.Cut the stems..and leave only semi-manicured buds.Cut buds into pieces and have a fan wind dry them for around 1 day.

3.Put buds in brown paper bags,shake the bags around every several hours..leave in paper bag for around 3 days.

4.Pack canning jars full of buds..open the top every other hour at first,then only once every day.Leave buds to cure as long as you want.I persoannly recommend ATLEAST 3 weeks...but 2 weeks is fine.

Any questions on my method?


Active Member
what is the benefit again tho of doing it? I'm ganna do it of course just asking. I heard it can make it more dense even the buds.


Well-Known Member
I agree with every thing for the most part, except the shaking in a paper bag. Shaking the bud in a bag will both damage trichomes on the buds, and knock trichomes off of the outside of the buds. They are so sticky when they are fresh, that the bag will be lined with trichomes going to waste.