a good led to replace 1000w hid setup


Well-Known Member
I have been using hid's forever, and I was looking at buying yet another f'ing bulb and started reading about led lighting. I want to try this but do not know a cost effective way to go. I have read about this in the past, but reviews were pretty lackluster.Leds have apparently made a turn for the better. So having said that, I don't want to wast1000 dollars on a piece of shit. Does anybody recommend a good system to go with. Be reminded I'm new to led lighting and technique, any additional info is much appreciated too.


Well-Known Member
if youre handy you can build a 675w cob rig for about $550 (9 cobs at 75W each)

if you cant build stuff and need preassembled lights youre looking at $800-1100 for a plug and play