A Glenn Beck Thread

Dolce Vita

Active Member
mhmm, well in my head i am right, everyone is. and nobody here is going to give up their views so lets agree to disagree ya know?
Yeah Glenn Beck is so refreashing, he points out what nobody else will talk about. He also does it in a way for anyone to understand. I enjoy his show more than any of the others on fox.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
Yeah Glenn Beck is so refreashing, he points out what nobody else will talk about. He also does it in a way for anyone to understand. I enjoy his show more than any of the others on fox.
yeah man me too. the way he puts things is like ......waking the people up to whats going on. i like his hotlist
I really think the message is start to hit home for most of the people out there. I lean far right but can always find a way to work with other to find a reasonable solution. Whats going on right now is crazy. No checks & balances, just everything is geting passed so quick with no debate. Scary!


Active Member
glenn beck is a fear/panick/hate-mongering demagogue and a douchebag, born out a forbidden affair between anne coulter and rush limbaugh in their attempt to create the ultimate failed actor/comedian. sorry. had to say it.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
PVS, we can work through this. lol you have obviously been tought to hate glenn beck. the ny times should be ashamed of itself for the wicked untrue stories it runs about him. liberals tend to hate him cos his ideas dont match up with theirs.


Active Member
PVS, we can work through this. lol you have obviously been tought to hate glenn beck.
yes, because me too stupid to form own opinion.
dispite our constant disagreement we'll always get along if you avoid comments like this. thx

Dolce Vita

Active Member
yes, because me too stupid to form own opinion.
dispite our constant disagreement we'll always get along if you avoid comments like this. thx
yep ur right i guess that was un called for. have you ever watched glenn beck?


Active Member
he made me particularly angry here:

also he refuses to stop whipping people into a murderous frenzy against illegal immigrants with all his doomsday scenarios.
i feel that if anyone on the left behaved as irresponsibly as beck, limbaugh, and hannity just a few years
ago, people would be screaming "treason" and seeking their heads on a pike. now its suddenly ok when these
very people where telling all opposition of bush/cheney to shut up. "we have to support our president" and
"you should stfu because we are at war". now its ok to say "fuck the president i hope he fails"
situational ethics is the cornerstone of fox journalism.

sorry...i can't discuss this topic without going on a rant. its kind of a giant blinking red button on my temper.


Well-Known Member
he made me particularly angry here:

also he refuses to stop whipping people into a murderous frenzy against illegal immigrants with all his doomsday scenarios.
i feel that if anyone on the left behaved as irresponsibly as beck, limbaugh, and hannity just a few years
ago, people would be screaming "treason" and seeking their heads on a pike. now its suddenly ok when these
very people where telling all opposition of bush/cheney to shut up. "we have to support our president" and
"you should stfu because we are at war". now its ok to say "fuck the president i hope he fails"
situational ethics is the cornerstone of fox journalism.

sorry...i can't discuss this topic without going on a rant. its kind of a giant blinking red button on my temper.
Don't worry. He'll politely ask you to stop talking and remind you that this is his thread. He gets to decide what's right in his thread.

Dolce Vita

Active Member
he made me particularly angry here:

also he refuses to stop whipping people into a murderous frenzy against illegal immigrants with all his doomsday scenarios.
i feel that if anyone on the left behaved as irresponsibly as beck, limbaugh, and hannity just a few years
ago, people would be screaming "treason" and seeking their heads on a pike. now its suddenly ok when these
very people where telling all opposition of bush/cheney to shut up. "we have to support our president" and
"you should stfu because we are at war". now its ok to say "fuck the president i hope he fails"
situational ethics is the cornerstone of fox journalism.

sorry...i can't discuss this topic without going on a rant. its kind of a giant blinking red button on my temper.
ok i respect your opinion. now im going to give you a homework assignment. fine me a political commentator who is as big as glenn beck that people dont take issue with and agree with whole heartedlly. you find me that and i will agree that glenn beck is a bad person