A Gift From God


Well-Known Member
"The Bible speaks for itself. It clearly says that God created marijuana for our use and says terrible things about those who seek to command abstinence or advocate abstaining from plants which God has created. Criminal sanctions command abstinence and are extreme examples of advocating abstinence."

I don't understand, I thought a lot of people who are religious are actually against smoking marijuana and say its nothing but harmful. If it states it so blatantly in the Bible that its god's gift, so take a hit, why are so many against the herb, and why is it illegal today? The church seems to try to wiggle its way into state all the time, and of course does success in many ways, if those in charge were potheads, it would be legal i think
interesting convo, hope my two cents are ok:bigjoint:

I think this is just because of the obvious reason that from a very young age, we were not taught (well i wasnt at least) that marijuana was an herb, but a harmful drug.In the bible it states to use all the herbs that God has given to us. But when the average bible thumper sees that passage, I'm sure they dont consider marijuana to be an herb, because some people dont even know its a plant! educate, educate, educate yourself!!!!

Up until i was 15 i believed the lies that my parents and teachers told me. drugs are horrible and take your life away! its not the drug thats the problem, its addiction thats ugly. i consider myself fortunate to not have harmful addictions, with the exception of tobacco lol. (way worse than ganja is, thats a FACT!)

and even though fifteen was probably to young to start smokin, I think it saved my ass in high school. didnt ever come home drunk cuz i knew it would be hell with the parents, but when i was baked it wasnt anything a little visine couldnt fix lol.

its sickening how misinformed and uneducated a large percentage of the population is. if people would read, learn, and think for themselves, not just believe everything a person of authority told them, the world would be much better off. peace :bigjoint:


Well-Known Member
ok, here is my just.
there is a purpose for all of the plants and fruits on the planet. god said in scripture that they are all here for us. but he also warned of gluttony which herein lies the division.
there is nothing on the planet that grows fruitful that is inherently straight poison. EVERYTHING in moderation, weed, poppies, coffee, sugar, potatoes, broccoli, muchrooms, nutmeg, snake venom, etc etc. these things all have their very specific levels of diminishing returns. miniscule quantities of every single element and compound on the planet serves purpose in our bodies.
but when you cross the line of overabundance and gluttony, then you are doomed and misquoting the bible.


New Member
Does overabundance and gluttony lead to the manifestation of Sitting Disease?

Do thoughts become things?

Are Shamans Spiritual when they commune with the good herbs of Earth?

Can Shamans generate Spiritual thoughts?

Would Shaman generated Spiritual thoughts be welcomed by estabished Religion?

Who is attracted to Shaman generated things?
interesting convo, hope my two cents are ok:bigjoint:

I think this is just because of the obvious reason that from a very young age, we were not taught (well i wasnt at least) that marijuana was an herb, but a harmful drug.In the bible it states to use all the herbs that God has given to us. But when the average bible thumper sees that passage, I'm sure they dont consider marijuana to be an herb, because some people dont even know its a plant! educate, educate, educate yourself!!!!

Up until i was 15 i believed the lies that my parents and teachers told me. drugs are horrible and take your life away! its not the drug thats the problem, its addiction thats ugly. i consider myself fortunate to not have harmful addictions, with the exception of tobacco lol. (way worse than ganja is, thats a FACT!)

and even though fifteen was probably to young to start smokin, I think it saved my ass in high school. didnt ever come home drunk cuz i knew it would be hell with the parents, but when i was baked it wasnt anything a little visine couldnt fix lol.

its sickening how misinformed and uneducated a large percentage of the population is. if people would read, learn, and think for themselves, not just believe everything a person of authority told them, the world would be much better off. peace :bigjoint:
I think people are really misinformed about marijuana, and the government likes to scare people to keep it illegal, only broadcasting the negatives about the drugs and not the fact that absolutely nobody has died or overdosed on weed.

But yet alcohol is legal, which can kill yourself on easily if your not careful, and has killed so many with drunk driving, drunken brawls and all sorts of other messes people get into while intoxicated. And has studies have shown excessive drinking can cause cancers.
But yet the peaceful herb that doesn't do any of those things, and is waaaay less powerful of a drug. Its complete bullshit that our legal system is run like this!!!:-|


New Member
Alcohol causes cancer

Good Herbs cure cancer

Good Herbs not Drugs.

We would love to have some funny person please come up with a joke about the Marijuana television commercial describing in 30 seconds of hilarious detail the side effects of Marijuana like some of that other phreaky shit they warn you about.


Well-Known Member
So yeah, Skeeter... "obey the laws of the Land" like it says in the bible right? One of the 10 Commandments is "Thou shall not kill" well what does the government do to murderers ? Kill them! ????? what about abortion? you can go have one of those, its not illegal ... but do you think God would say its ok? what im saying is the laws of the land are not always what Gods Law says. When I die i wont answer to anyone but God, and i really dont think using a plant He created will be a sin against Him. Screw what the "Law Of The Land Is" and grow some herb! lol get high and be thankful to a God that gave you such a great plant!


Well-Known Member
Old and New Testament verses are used to show continuity in God's treatment of marijuana. God's mind has not changed. Primary Old Testament verse is Genesis 1:29. This verse will show us God's intent for all seed-bearing plants, which includes marijuana. Primary New Testament verses are 1 Timothy 4:1-4. These verses show God's contempt and condemnation for those people who are opposed to marijuana in any way.

Genesis 1:29.
Then God said, "Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you."

1 Timothy 4:1-4.
4:1 But the Spirit explicitly says that in later times some will fall away from the faith, paying attention to deceitful spirits and doctrines of demons,
4:2 by means of the hypocrisy of liars seared in their own conscience as with a branding iron,
4:3 men who forbid marriage and advocate abstaining from foods, which God has created to be gratefully shared in by those who believe and know the truth.
4:4 For everything created by God is good, and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude;

The Bible speaks for itself. It clearly says that God created marijuana for our use and says terrible things about those who seek to command abstinence or advocate abstaining from plants which God has created. Criminal sanctions command abstinence and are extreme examples of advocating abstinence.

Notice, the only condition placed on the use of this God-given plant is that it be received with gratitude. 1 Tim 4:4 "For everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected, if it is received with gratitude." If you would like to see grateful people, you will find them wherever marijuana has reduced pain, cured blindness, whose tumors have disappeared, whose depression is vanquished, or have just gathered in happiness to share eachother's loving company. Jesus said; "by this all men will know that you are my disciples, if you have love one for another", (John 13:35). Jesus says it is OK to gather in large, loving groups.

Contrary to the contention, "it does not say it is OK to consume it (marijuana) anywhere in scripture". Again review 1Tim4:4. "For everything created by God is good and nothing is to be rejected." This says it is OK, it is good and is not to be rejected.

...a parting thought. Jesus said " You shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free",(John 8:32). It is the intent of this study to assist our walk along the path of truth and freedom.

These are all good points for those who supposedly respect the bible, verbatim. Unfortunately, the problem with religious folks is there are one thousand different ways to interpret ancient text. Not to mention that winning over the mind of Christians won't change laws in a Country that chooses to separate Church and State...when it's convenient for them.

It's an uphill battle. Thanks for the reasonable thoughts, though.:joint: