A General Thanks


Well-Known Member
I personally want to thank the users and members of this site. i spend a few hours a day trolling around these threads. i am not really here to teach everyone or answer everyones questions. i have a garden and love the fruits of my labor. i enjoy eating fresh home grown fruits and veggies. indoor gardeners face many different challenges. I battle these with many types of crops. I love all plants and not just marijuana.

To me sitting in a chair watering a oak tree smoking a bowl is great. to my wife its silly. Be we are all different. So many people come here and speak so openly with pictures and braggin and i can do this i have done that.... SO

What rollitup does is help people develope a passion. You smoke it. You buy it, You love it, this creates a monster.

when you hear shit like "4 of 72 germinated fuckin ace!" its great, it adds a lighter side to things. for others they are in a passion.

My first grow was a passion. it was funny as shit. my supply store was on speed dial. i was dang near 4k before i got my first nugget to smoke. my plant was small it was RAVEGED during veg cycle. ph off salt lock up, bag seed OMFG it goes on and on. i got to a seed bank and was like i was buying stock or something. before my first order arrived i had 4 orders coming.

When i smoked that first weak ASS tiny cola i was like " fuckin Ace!" my best friend was telling me your a idiot how much? OMFG dude you lost it, but can i get a peice.

when i put the food with the seeds my first crop was DA BOMB.
this was a passion, no holds barred no problem to big, 5 months later i had so many NEW friends wanting to date my girls.
Fast foward 5 years and i had lost that passion. when i see users and members passionate about making thier crop its hard to knock that. BT DT (been there done that ) now you got public forum and you see shit like.

Should i piss in my plant. UM UM...... im guessing NO.
But then we get all into a serious discussion aboutSOMETHING HERE AND THERE ARE 10 DIFFERENT views. Now i dont know it all and love new thinking,

My Friend said..... I knew someone........this stuff kills me. could be a 12 year old on mom pc giving you advice. i dont share alot of deatails or pictures of my grows so you dont know me from adam. but i try and speak only of what i have done and tested, my methods and what i like and my friends like.

I do thank the people who are so passionate to make links pictures and text to help me and others. I Cant say i have picked up new forms of gardening but i do enjoy seeming members work so hard to help others. please if you like what someone says let them know. give em a rep + or something. it means alot to users to hear or see these thank you's. Without people like these here you will get mislead alot.