a few quick questions...


Active Member
ok well I have 12 babies growing under 2x 40W cfls' 2 of which are clones.
they were planted july 17th 08 so there a good month plus old. they are about 8-9 inches tall and have about 6 or 7 sets of leaves on them; the temps are about 69-71F at night and 72-77F mid day, Also I put them out on my window sill once or twice a month when Its nice and sunny and slightly windy for them to grow nice healthy stems. I started feeding them nutes about 2 weeks ago (once a week on fridays)... I started with a quarter strength on the first friday the friday after that I used half strenght and this week im still on half strenght; I plan on staying at half strenght for another week then go up to 3/4 and make my way up to full strenght.I am planing on getting a single 125W cfl light for my veg cab for the mothers, it will be delivered within a week ... now for my question...

why is it that 3 of them have shown sex already? is this normal??

why have they not started to grow nodes??

( I have 2 babies that were born weirdly and from the first set of leaves they grew a single node along with the actual top.)
never seen this before has anyone else??

with nutes. How many times a week should I be feeding?
because I water once every other day or once every three days and use nutes once a week so far.

Is 125W of cfl going to be good to keep my veg cab and my moms happy?

heres a pic of what they look like
ImageShack - Hosting :: talluo8.jpg

Thanks alot for reading.


Well-Known Member
Dude I may be wrong but i've grown from clone many times and i would advise you to get them into bigger pots ASAP.


Well-Known Member
dude your plants are stretching. you need more lights. if your serious about growing you might want to invest in a hps light. otherwise you need atleast 8 cfl's. do you know what a node is? the only way to figure out how much you should be feeding them is trial and error. no one can give you an exact answer. your plants will let you know if they are being fed too much. i think you need to do some research on this forum.


Active Member
that is my veg cab. I have a seperate cabinet for flowering with 250W hps well would the one 125W cfl be ok for vegging?
yes I know what a node is and I dont know why I havent seen any yet.


Well-Known Member
no you dont know what a node is. a node is where the branch grows from the stem. that is a node. i think you mean pistils... and i dont think 1 125wcfl would be good enough. the plants need alot of light. the more light the better.


Active Member
no i ment nodes because I want to take make clones and have at least one mother plant.
and the best thing I can do other than 125Wcfl is a very small watt MH. but I have not been able to find a ballast for 150W or somewhere close to that.