A Few Questions


Active Member
Im thinking of starting 4 or 5 plants in my shed and i had a few questions.

- I can really only afford one light at the moment and i found a T5 2' would this be sufficient for my first time and could i use this same light through the whole process?

-i want to grow the plants small and bushy i was told by keeping the light low this will happen is this true?

-can i make them flower and bud early by switching to 12/12 after a month and a half?

ill prolly run into more questions but any help or tips would be great!


Well-Known Member
no, that light would be pathetic for anything bigger than seedlings, and chances are, it isn't dual spectrum, so only really effective or one part of growing.

you could get away with a 250w hps for 5 plants if you want to spend as little money as possible and get some. yield.

yes, you can force flower them, but it can stress them out a bit. if you were planning on doing it just to keep the size down, then if you used scrog you could veg them up to the point of pre-flowering as normal, and get a larger yield with low height.

oh yea, soil or hydro? and what nutes?
keeping the light low is not the best option to keep the height down, lst is preferable.
in your situation, you might want to research sog or scrog to make the most of your situation.


Active Member
im going to use ground up cocoa nut that the hydro place sold me and using ionic grow in my water. they also gave me some blossom stuff to use once i go to 12/12.

im going to buy the light tomorrow and im just looking for one light that with take these 5 plants from seedling to buds. is that light that you mentioned something that would be stocked at my local hydroponic store and how must US dollars would it cost me?


Well-Known Member
a light that will see you through your whole grow will be a HPS, again, it depends on how much you are willing to spend, what your grow space can take, alot of variables.

as a bare minimum, for 5 small plants, you are going to want a 250w hps ($130 ish) with reflector and ballast. if possible, i would go for a 400w hps.
if you wan't to save even more money, you might wan't to look into remote ballasting security lights.

check this out, 250w of HID throughout the grow, 6 plants.

and yes, they will sell these kind of lights in a good 'ponics shop


Well-Known Member
lol forgot the picture;

yea, 10 plants under 250w mh during veg, then swapped to 250w hps for flowering with 6 females.

night, i'm tired.. hope i've been of some help.