A few questions..


Active Member
I've been working on some bagseeds lately, I got a few germinated and now have then planted in some cups in my window sill. They will be switched to lights once I get the light :S Low on funds. Anyways, I just have a few questions, probably been asked a million times but here goes :

1. I have a raised bed and have a decent "grow-room" set up underneath with an old blacklight holder hanging, which a fluorescent tube will be put in. My question is, is it possible to keep a plant a foot tall, and get buds out of it? I don't mind putting them outside, but I would love to keep it growing under my bed.

2. I'm confused about watering and I'm afraid to drown them while they are still sprouting. I've put a small amount of water in the cups, they are moist about 2 inches down. Is this correct? Or should it be moist allll the way down?

Once again, I'm really sorry if these have been asked before but I've looked and found semi-decent answers, but I want some straight up answers.



Active Member
Thank you sir, and, do you have any answers to my questions above? Thanks!

Ah, and I did read the SOG method and I might try that with four plants, to keep it extremely simple. I only really want a personal plant just to mess around with.


Well-Known Member
one of them reaches close to that, that's why i say 2 feet, but the other three are around 1-1 1/2 feet in height. If you top them they will be shorter and have more stems (meaning more nodes and more buds). I was under the assumption that they would grow more than they did while flowering but alas, they are still happy, and short, too. Everywhere I read told me they would grow 2-3x their size during flowering. My tall one grew 3", my shorter ones only grew about 1" at most! but the buds are looking good, so I'm not worried. I also am using molasses and a cheap-ass c02 setup (sugar and yeast).
Here is a topping link for you. this explains it...



Well-Known Member
water every 3-4 days ONLY. no nutes or ferts for first 3 weeks, keep l;ights on 18 on/ 6 off, get a fan on them to strengthen stems... sorry, forgot to help you instead of patting self on back


Active Member
Thank you very much, I repped you.

I think I may have drowned the two I already had planted then, because I watered them once yesterday and once today because I wanted to get the soil nice and wet. I do have 3 or 4 more seeds germinating though, so I will see how it goes.

I haven't gotten my fluorescent tube yet, I went out and bought the wrong damn size, so they are in the window sill right now. Will that be ok, then once I get the lamp I can put them on 18/6? I bought a timer so I don't have to worry about turning them on/off.

Thank you for the topping guide, and I can't find a straight up answer on "nutes" and ferts. Obviously, they are nutrients and fertilizers, but are these just basic plant nutrients that I can grab at walmart? I can't really go to any growshops because noone knows I'm growing these and I only have certain access to stores.

Oh, and I read the topping and fimming guide, I guess I will top it alot so, like you said, I can have a very full bush with little height!