A/c questions for others who have been there done that..


Active Member
My new room will be 20x24 when complete,it will be split into 4 rooms 2-10x12s for flower,1-10x10 for veg and 1-10x14 workspace.My outside temps are all over the place with highs 100+ and lows in the low 30's,the space will be HEAVILY insulated R-34 walls and R-50+ in the ceiling,lighting will consist of 6-600s in each flower room and they will be on a flipbox,my question is will a 5 ton be overkill for this area?Is it too much?I want to run sealed rooms and would like to skip out on aircooling(vented hoods) the lights if possible.Has anyone had any experience buying/installing an ac unit this size?where did you buy it,what would you do different,what seer etc etc..,figured id pick you guys brains before i go off and do whatever,thanks in advance,FW