91 chemdawg


New Member
I have a feeling he was just told to stay out of the swerve discussion. Crazy that a rep from another company would even deign to jump in a thread to start trash talking another breeder.

You can say whatever you want that he isnt an employee of Rare Dankness. But the Ms. has said that he is a highly respected friend and allows him to (de)rep the company even if he isnt getting paid (which is really nut-hugging if you ask me).
Ok??? So If you are a Breeder are all of your friends nut huggers?? Or just the Highly respected one??:wall:

Rare D MI

New Member
I have a feeling he was just told to stay out of the swerve discussion. Crazy that a rep from another company would even deign to jump in a thread to start trash talking another breeder.

You can say whatever you want that he isnt an employee of Rare Dankness. But the Ms. has said that he is a highly respected friend and allows him to (de)rep the company even if he isnt getting paid (which is really nut-hugging if you ask me).
I was not told to stay out of anything. In fact, it's the other way around... Who hasn't posted since mrs RD. Confirmed I know what I'm talking about? Why do you think she came here? I didn't contact her. How did she know to come to this random thread?? Swerve contacted her, she said I know what I'm talking about, he shut up.

I wasn't coming in to bash swerve as a breeder. I came in to bash him as a person for making arrogant outrageous claims, perpetuating false information to the community, and not being humble and just giving credit where credit is due.

I give him credit for being smart and cashing in on the OG craze first. Obviously he blew up cause he put OG in seed first for the masses. But he got them from other people that had been growing them, the dhk and friends got them out to people who deserved them and they've been circulating ever since. It's just annoying to me when I see posts on forums like this listing where OG comes from and like 5 of them say sourced by swerve.

The mrs told us not to fight. I will respect that. Maybe we'll smoke a joint at the cup this year and squash shit. But I still stand by everything I said, especially about RIU. Seems to be a small minority that agree with me. Thanks for existing.


Well-Known Member
Ok, I hear what you are saying and will leave it alone.
I still have to ask you, you do realize once you made the screen name you did, everyone who sees it will associate you with Rare Dankness? You also know that the way you handle some of your posts is at the very least, unprofessional?
If you really consider those from Rare Dankness as your friends, do you consider that the way you respond to people (especially using the rare dankness name) that you, in fact, hurt your friends?
I know its easy to say, well there are plenty of people buying seeds so who gives a shit if I upset a handful and they will never buy seeds... problem with that is, if you choose to "rep" a company you need to "rep" that company and not be in the middle of so many disagreements and arguments. You especially dont want to do things that MAY offend people. Safe is always better than sorry.

Rare D MI

New Member
People refusing to buy the genetics because of something a friend of the breeder says is their loss. I'm amazed at how petty people are. "my feelings are hurt, so I'm gonna talk shit about a company and never grow their genetics no matter how good they are"

It's ridiculous. Anyone who let's anything but personal experience and preference decide what they grow is extremely misguided. I can't think of any breeder who's seeds I wouldn't grow if it was all I had acess to. By completely writing a whole company off because of something someone says on the Internet, you're just shooting yourself in the foot. most of the time y'all are saying you won't by RD beans because of my personal opinions. All of the info I give about RD will be accurate, most other other things are my opinions or info that I have learned.

But anyway, like I said earlier. Other people have the skunk va, if you're in Colorado and looking for something with that cut in it, check out new house seeds. They have multiple strains available using it. And I'm not even friend's with them, just trying to give helpful info.

Rare D MI

New Member
Homeless beans isn't affiliated with rare dankness. He is doing some testing for new strains and growing some of the gear, but thats it. Not everyone who has an opinion differing from yours or the majority is an employee or friend. Sometimes they're just happy customers or people with strong opinions.


Well-Known Member
lol thats all i have to say..... and dont make urself bigger than u think you are there ol chap.. i never shut up i simply am letting everyone else say their piece. but i respect MRS and MM. Simple.. and please lets burn one at the cup would lvoe to chatt man always love hearing how evil i am from people

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
@ fresh I will treasure your award. It will always have a special place here under the bridge
you lost me there, i mean no disrespect, but i don't know if that was a shot at me or acknowledgement. whatever the case, thanks for the post and sending good vibes to all who choose to stand up for themselves and not by someone just because.

Fresh 2 De@th

Well-Known Member
UUUUmmmmm HUH? Not sure what your point here is.If there is one...

yeap IC is over modded.I notice the Mods here pick sides also, so I see no difference. Threads get binned here also.
uuummm huh, the point was to show how a lot of you are screaming police, trolls and haters when someone asks legitimate questions about someone's work and get mad because nothing isn't done about it. this isn't icmag and no one is here to save you. no threads are deleted, no mods to run to and no favoritism being displayed towards you or who you decide to clique up with.
point being is that you knew what the culture was like when you joined, but you keep throwing icmag culture in the air hoping someone who can make a difference decides to implement the bogus shit that goes on over there to here. if you're an icmag fan go to icmag and post there. as you said, moonshine is not here to hold anyone's hand, neither is riu.
you seemed alright for a minute, but you are 1000% faker. homelessbeans? i bet the only thing that's homeless about you is the bums you begged borrowed and stole from. your story doesn't even sound believable. check you out, lol, you're all about compassion. the only compassion i've seen is a brown noser jocking for position and trying to put anyone down who oppose what you're trying to be.
don't get me wrong i post bs from time to time but you got me twisted for someone else. half the shit i write be out of boredom and i will always make more since than you, especially someone who's 70 taking notes from someone in their 20's.

Rare D MI

New Member
Come on dude, that last post is some of the bs you refered to at the end... Do you know what the homeless beans project is? It's a complete giving idea conceived by this dude, who is not in his 70s.

And I wanna know where these homeless bums are that have a ton of fire cannabis seeds. That's gotta be one of the funniest attempts at a put down ever.

HB is not 1000% fake. He is real, and real compassionate. I have seen him give out free Simpson oil capsules to a patient in need that he just met that day.


Active Member

Why would I support someone that supports assholes?
Dunno but to me if I don't like how its being run, i'm not going to support them to continue on with what I don't like.
Also you say that Swerve is fake and makes fake claims? Hmmm, let me think for a second, until you can find a grow report on all of your strains that has been smoked and tested, I wouldn't be making false accusations.
Escape trolling? How is this trolling i'm just saying whats on my mind and I see things for how they are.
You being arrogant and thinking you know better and using your relationship with Scott, MM and Mrs to out people down is pathetic.
If you aren't happy with the trolls here then simply leave. Its not that hard. And before you start bashing Swerve lets see you be as successful as he at breeding, maybe with a few mishaps in the way but nonetheless successful at what he does.

Rare D MI

New Member
You are the definition of a troll, you have a post flaming me as your signature... Troll behavior if I've ever seen it...

I never said swerve was fake, I've watched him grow just as long as I've watched moonshine grow. I gave him props for getting OGs in seed form first. All I said was he didn't source every OG and pass them around to the community, and that he wasn't the only person holding the skunk va. I also inquired as to why deadhead OG was named OG when i have yet to see anything close to OG come out of it. I may have asked it like a dick, but he answered. I wish it wasn't called OG. But whatever.

In all honesty, swerve and I will probably meet and get along really well if I do make it out to the cup. We should all hit up the pancake spot down the street from the melkweg and have some Dutch pancakes and a few joints.


Active Member
You are the definition of a troll, you have a post flaming me as your signature... Troll behavior if I've ever seen it...

I never said swerve was fake, I've watched him grow just as long as I've watched moonshine grow. I gave him props for getting OGs in seed form first. All I said was he didn't source every OG and pass them around to the community, and that he wasn't the only person holding the skunk va. I also inquired as to why deadhead OG was named OG when i have yet to see anything close to OG come out of it. I may have asked it like a dick, but he answered. I wish it wasn't called OG. But whatever.

In all honesty, swerve and I will probably meet and get along really well if I do make it out to the cup. We should all hit up the pancake spot down the street from the melkweg and have some Dutch pancakes and a few joints.
Thats a cute date.
Anyways, something you've got to get clear is that age isn't experience. You talk about how old and noble you are. Just stop. You might be older but that doesn't mean shit to me, age is a figure experience isn't.

Rare D MI

New Member
When did I talk about how old I am? There is a difference between being an adult and being old. I'm sure most of the people are of legal age. Doesn't mean they are grown up. I call these people children because of how they act. Not because they are young. Anyone who meets me thinks I'm older than I am, because I act it. I'm in my late 20s, most people I'm friends with are between 5 and 25 years older than me. Age is just a number.


Active Member
When did I talk about how old I am? There is a difference between being an adult and being old. I'm sure most of the people are of legal age. Doesn't mean they are grown up. I call these people children because of how they act. Not because they are young. Anyone who meets me thinks I'm older than I am, because I act it. I'm in my late 20s, most people I'm friends with are between 5 and 25 years older than me. Age is just a number.
Well when you're calling everyone children and acting as though you are older and talk about how you've seen Moonshine man and swerve grow since they started to m means that you are older, no? Yeah Swerve might not have been in the breeding game that long but still, the way you said it makes you seem like you've been around forever.
I don't act like a child. I act like myself maybe in your own mind I am a troll but I can assure you that i'm not.
You need to lighten up, the internet is not as serious as you think it might be.
You may think of me as a troll but I simply do not beat around the bush and use fancy words simply to mask an insult. I go right to the point and if that makes me a troll so be it.

Calling other breeders work out is alright to some extent, in this case you are picking out that you wish the Deadhead Og wasn't called OG, well when you start breeding yourself you can name whichever cross you make.

And to the signature, it was a funny comment that I liked and decided to use as my Signature, yes it may be rude to some extent but perfectly accurate.
I mean what are you? You aren't a rep. You aren't part of RD yet you seem to represent them on the forums more than Mrs. I mean what the fuck is that? And then you claim you aren't associated with them, I don't get it. If you have their brand name incorporated in your user name than I would stop starting shit with people on the forums and I certainly wouldn't be rude to other breeders. You might claim to be grown up but from what I see, not that grown up.

But then again i'm just another troll right?
Keep thinking that.


New Member
you lost me there, i mean no disrespect, but i don't know if that was a shot at me or acknowledgement. whatever the case, thanks for the post and sending good vibes to all who choose to stand up for themselves and not by someone just because.
Homelessbean i award you for valiant effort in sticking up for RD, but the pics and logs of what a lot of people are referring to are of his latest x's. i've went through some of his threads on icm and not even half of what's available now is even in them threads.
i do give credit where credit is due, he definitely has great growing skills, but growing and breeding doesn't always go hand to hand. that's not to say he can't breed either but who's to say he can? are there any documentation showing so? if so, i don't think there would be anyone questioning him or his company.
in this day in age too many people have gotten burned and took to many unnecessary losses and just because i got elites a lot of people don't have access to and crossed them together, doesn't always qualify you as a breeder or make you or your work more acceptable with some people. hence, the ones that you and a few like to deem as trolls.
funny thing is if this was a dutch company (green house, barney's etc.) everyone, including yourself, would be down there throats talking a whole bunch of shit. what's even funnier is that you and others call yourself checking people for asking about breeding technique or any other legitimate questions that you yourself can't even answer besides the "established breeder, new name" which really doesn't mean shit. how many established breeders are out there giving out unstable genetics? many. so what's your point? if you don't agree i could name some off the top of my head.
all the speculation is to be expected, no matter what your status is. it seems like some just don't get it or could it be that we let some slide and cook and flame the rest? like i stated not even half of them x's are in those threads and an old cross isnt the same as a new cross unless you're using the same p1-stock to recreate the same old cross. take notice of some breeders like karma, csg, horti, hazeman and a host of others and how they're always having people publicly testing their new x's. news flash it's not for shits and giggles, there's a reason for that and im pretty sure you are aware of them.
from someone with the screen name that you have i would expect more understanding and compassion for others, and not adding or sparking unnecessary drama that this thread have been desperately trying to avoid since it was started.
i am pretty sure somewhere in the future there would be enough info and answers to satisfy everyone's questions, but until that time comes expect and respect someone else's concerns, money and mind the way you would want or expect others to treat you if you had concerns that oppose others.
idk maybe i am reading into this shit too much, but it seems like as of lately the ones who are calling others trollers could be the ones that's trolling.
forgive me if i am wrong, i mean no disrespect; but it's hard not to notice that some down others and no one speaks of it then cry troller when someone stand up and speaks their minds

ringin any bells??? I mean no disrrespect...lol pasive agressive horse shit


Well-Known Member
If you take two true breeding strains you make an F1. If you sort through your F2 generation looking for the same traits as the F1 you have about 1 in 700 plants that will be just like the one your searching for. If I remember correctly on the F3 generation your odd go up to like 1 in 2000 (or worse) to find the right specimen.. If you found the right plants by the F4 generation things should be starting to get more uniform and by F6 and so on you have a legitimate strain.

I think almost all breeders today are unable to run the numbers needed to make a stable strain. Some come close but not since the days of huge greenhouse grows, back when skunk #1 and northern lights were queen. I commend most of todays breeders for doing what they can while staying safe but I also don't expect to see much new great breeding material until people can start doing 1000 plus plant grows just for breeding. Oh that'll be the day!