9 Blackberry females


Active Member
Well this is my first time ever tryn to grow using hydro(ebb n flow), after a 2 year break. Growing in a mix of coco croutons, perilite, clay pellets,shredded cococ. Always had alot of luck with soil this time i wanted to try something different . Its been a real slow start started off with rapid rooter plugs and flourescents after about a week from sprout switched to cocogro media and thats when everything came to a halt. After about 1 1/2 weeks in cocogro no real grotwh (cocco was staying way to wet and thats when i switched the grow media to the mix) and things started to pick back up again . I am currently using 1000 mh light about 42 inch above plants 18/6 light cycle and as u can see it is a small space and in the past (4 plants 5 gallon buckets)i have had really good yields using 1000 watt light as long as i keep temps down when lights r on. Temps r usually 77-80 degrees when lights on when off 70-74 degrees, i have plenty of ventillation and fresh air flow getting into room . Using Co2 bucket boost for first time hope it works. The ladies r currently about 3 1/2 weeks old and i started them off with 240 ppm using Mokey Juice A/B also put in MagiCal ph in reservoir about 7.1 also planning on using SCROG method for first time. i will keep anyone interested on the progress and plan on getting lots of pics. Like i said first time using this setup if anyone has any suggestions tips or ideas i would be more than willing to listen . Thanks



Active Member
nice little group you got!

will stay tuned!

quick question

whats the ratio on your grow medium??
Its about 25% coco croutons/ 40% perilite/ 35% cocogro mix. After reading Coco growers unite (General Growing) on RIU Forums i realized that the coco croutons r the way to go in ebb n flow if u want to use cocco. The local hydro shop had limited supply so i made my own mix and its definitely a step up from the cocogro bags which buy the way the hydro shop talked me into using i am not familiar with hydro and they sure werent working that well they were wet all the time. i am planning on only using 6-7 of the girls for the scrog the other 2-3 will be headed outdoors
so how are the babies liking the coco??

in a scrog do you "weave" the plant in the screen?

and are the 3 that are going outside going to be in the same grow medium mixture?

pics pics pics!!!


Active Member
Thanks for the response. Like I said this is my first time growing with hydro set up ,so its going to be a trial an error from start to finish , journal will also be an open one for suggestions, constructive critiscism, or any tips, so please feel free or let me know what i am doing wrong . At first I struggled because the cocogro was just staying to wet for to long. Since then I switched out grow medium and kind of made my own medium with cocogrow, coco croutons, perlite and clay pellets and they seem to be doing alot better.Also i dont let the tray fill up as high as i was previously. that way the coco mix wont stay as wet for so long.My first scrog and i am either going to be using 2 inch chicken wire or some other sort of fencing that is a little more rigid . I also plan on weaving the plant into the screen with alot of TLC and garden tie wire. I am going to be using 6 of the plants for the scrog in 2 feet x 4 feet tray, and the other 3 will be headed outdoors into 7 gallon containers with Fox farm soil and nutes. I will post some new pics tomorrow but still not much going on . If anyone is familiar with ebb n flow, scrog, blackberry plants or has any tips for me or my set up feel free to give me some advice i think im going to need it.


Active Member
:leaf:Well like i said not much change other than that i think im getting it more dialed in with the ebb n flow. Im only watering about 1 time a day and letting tray fill a little over 1/4 of the way . Since the change they seem to be getting more growth above and below the medium. How long before i can start watering more? i thought with ebb n flow the whole idea was to water 3 to 4 times a day feeding the plants more but that isnt the case with mine. I think they were severely stressed by staying to wet . will that stress effect the plant in the long run like possibly making them hermes? If anyone can help answer these couple questions it would be appreciated. By the way all FLORIDA closet and guerilla growers go to PUFMM.com and help make marijuana legal:leaf::leaf:



Active Member
No tips or suggestions? There has to be someone reading this with some sort of helpful input.


Active Member
Well here they are . They havent gotten much taller in the last 10 or so days but they have really started to fill out . I trimmed them with FIM technique and it appears that i did it right .Im starting to see multiple points of growth up top . I hope to have the screen set up by the end of the weekend and thats when all the fun begins with filling it up.
Keeping ph at 6.1-6.4/ppm850/ room temps with lights on 77-82 degrees lights out 71-73 degrees. i was wondering if i could move the tray closer to the groung and use a pump to pump water out of tray and back into reservoir so that i could get more head room for plants .Any ideas and some rep would be great. Thanks



Well-Known Member
your plants look very healthy!
ive never heard of a blackberry strain!
looks mostly indica dominate?
do you have any more information on this?
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Active Member
your plants look very healthy!</P>
<Pive never heard of a blackberry strain! </P>
<P>looks mostly indica dominate?</P>
<P>do you have any more information on this?
Thanks, Purchased seeds from The Attitude. The blackberry came from the sativa seedbank. The mother is Black Domino (Ive smoked it before and really liked it) Father is Rasberry Cough. THC level 15-24% Plant height Medium . I dont know what percent Indica or Sativa but like u said looks more indica than anything. Ill try to keep anyone interested
in the grow updated best I can . They were really stressed in the beginning and got off to real slow start but they seem to really be coming around.


Active Member
here's the new update on the girls, They all seem to be doing just fine and those spots on the leaves i do believe was caused by the Co2 enrichment, the hose was right above plants so i moved it higher. Whats goin on .I feel like the red headed step child on RIU .I never get any comments on any of posts.ARE they lame or what? I can handle it ,let me know. Any comments or advice (+rep) would be nice but I aint goin to hold my breath. Oh yeah if anyone sees XxNinjaXx Tell him Im lookin for him lol.



Well-Known Member
wow well it looks like they are doin good now!
once people get to know ya around here you'll get more responses.
posting a link to your journal in your signature could help too

i was wondering if you were goin to use mollases once they start flowering.
sorry i dont have any advice for you cuz i grow outdoors and organic! so i know nothin of lights or temperatures and shit


Active Member
wow well it looks like they are doin good now!
once people get to know ya around here you'll get more responses.
posting a link to your journal in your signature could help too

i was wondering if you were goin to use mollases once they start flowering.
sorry i dont have any advice for you cuz i grow outdoors and organic! so i know nothin of lights or temperatures and shit
I appreciate it Peacemane, Im using flora nectar right now with my other nutes. i do believe it encourages sugar flow through the plant . I was wondering if you have ever heard of anyone using Bushmaster ,I was thinking of using it to help with the headroom but i never used it before and i dont want to cut back on my yield. I want the buds above the screen and once you use it plants are only suppose to get 6 inches taller and bush out ANYONE who has used this before I would love to hear some feedback.