

Well-Known Member
I was sittin in the seeds and strains thread wondering, how many cops or feds are on this site. As easy as it is to sign up and join I imagin theirs a lot...or maybe I'm just a paranoid stoner ...lmao. Anyone else ever wonder this?:?


Well-Known Member
I was reffering to the qwestions wher to buy seeds.in the strain and seed thread, nothin like puttin businesses on front street if you know what I mean. And I'm not a fuckin cop. The smart way to ask onther the person where to buy good medical seed is through email, not a fucking public forum...and agian I'm not a fuckin pig....just wish people wher alittle smarter about certain things.... Oh yeah to the guy who called me a pig....aaa.gif

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
Why did he get sooooo angry over nothing? He made a thread that has him sounding like the dumbest cop ever and then gets mad because we noticed?

Well played mr. DEA agent, well played.

Gary Goodson

Well-Known Member
deleted post personal info.
It would've been so much better for you to just laugh some of this off and admit way earlier how dumb this was on your part but, when you got mad and defensive and started talking shit is when you showed all of us how correct we are in assuming you're a fucking Peter puffing, donut eating, coffee chugging, bacon smelling, bieber loving, snitch face rat cop!

That's all...


Well-Known Member
I was sittin in the seeds and strains thread wondering, how many cops or feds are on this site. As easy as it is to sign up and join I imagin theirs a lot...or maybe I'm just a paranoid stoner ...lmao. Anyone else ever wonder this?:?
As long as you're using a VPN or something to keep you and your IP address anonymous, and don't give out info that would ID you, it really doesn't matter when LEO is reading this site...