800 Watt Induction Fixture Grow


Active Member
So I've been wanting to try some different types of grow lights out instead of the good ol' 600w hps. They serve me well but you have to look to the future! I've been keeping an eye on the induction light market. I like the idea behind these a little bit more than the led lights. Much less to go wrong and I believe for the actual wattage use, less heat.

So far, there have only been the igrow and indagrow lights. I popped into my local hydro store to find these 800 watt induction lights. It is two bulbs mounted in a V shaped reflector. The lights looked good.

Struck a deal for 3 of the lights.

I had some diesel and cheese in week 3 of flowering. The plants were put in a little too tall so I was worried. Lets see how it goes! I took these about 5 days after the start of week 3. The first response I saw was an amazing amount of pistil growth. They looked like little golf balls and could be seen across the room. Leafs perked up, heat went down. Blazing the trail!



Well-Known Member
You suffer big losses with two bulbs in a single reflector, MOST aren't designed for multiple light sources..........but hey if you got an awesome deal then fuck it:)

BTW did you defoliate your girls ^^^^????


Active Member
You suffer big losses with two bulbs in a single reflector, MOST aren't designed for multiple light sources..........but hey if you got an awesome deal then fuck it:)

BTW did you defoliate your girls ^^^^????
Some foliage was taken off. These plants stated forming all over since they got tall. The trade off for better overall production seems to be going well.

The counter guy explained that the reflector was meant to have two bulbs and was designed by lighting consultants. I'll get a pic of it tomorrow for you. The par reading is 1300-1200 across a 3.5*3.5 foot area.


Well-Known Member
Let me ask you 2 questions about the reflector/don't need pics..........IF you don't mind:)

1..........Is the interior completely covered in polished/dimpled aluminum?

2..........Is their a reflected partition between the two 400w bulbs?



Active Member
Let me ask you 2 questions about the reflector/don't need pics..........IF you don't mind:)

1..........Is the interior completely covered in polished/dimpled aluminum?

2..........Is their a reflected partition between the two 400w bulbs?

It is completely smooth reflective aluminum. On the box, it says 98% reflective and I believe it. I've never seen anything quite like it in a reflector. It does cover all four sides of the reflector. There is not a partition.