8 weeks of veg, no preflower

been under 600w mh for 2 months without preflower, will putting them under hps 12/12 turn them hermie? I've heard different things so wanted to get a concensus.


Well-Known Member
Someone on here mentioned to leave them in total darkness for 48 hours than go 12/12 that should work. Send the signal to the plant it is time to flower.


Active Member
Doesn't matter how you switch it to 12/12. They don't really care, they react to fit the situation at hand. If you are really worried about it than you could cycle them down to 12/12 from 18/6. add an hour of sleep every day.

Don't worry about Hermies. If you stress the shit out of them than you have a chance of getting some nanners, but putting them in 12/12 won't induce z Hermie.


Well-Known Member
your fine some plants take a long time to show preflowers, if your ready to flower before they are that may not be 100 percent best but your fine bringing them to 12/12 just make sure you pull the males as they show
If you want to flower them now, just put them to 12/12. IMO it's not 100% necessary to wait for preflowers, although it may be preferable.