8 Intelligent Newbie Questions


Active Member
1) From the first sprout from seedling, can I put my plants under 1000 watt HPS lights, Running Ebb&Grow?

2) Using my Ebb&Grow for vegging and flowering how often should the timers be set for watering for each?

3) How soon do I add any sort of chemicals to the beginning plants, and when do I kick it up to full strength nutrients?

4) What temperature should I try to keep it at when the lights are on, and when they're off?

5) How long/When do I have to worry about odor?

6) How close can my mother plants be from the fluorescents (veg room)?

7) How can I avoid "Hermies"

8) If I have "feminized" seeds, am I guaranteed only Females (no hermies/males... or do the seeds banks ever fudge up)?