70% top tax rate for incomes over $10 million gains traction


Well-Known Member
It is a class issue. It's not left v. right, as so many tribalists want you to believe. It's up v. down. It's always been up v. down

That's not to say that everyone who is wealthy fits the mold, that's a strawman argument

It is to say that there are people at work on the behalf of someone wealthy whose job it is to spread known lies and false information explicitly to divide the poor and the middle class so they don't focus on the actual problem. Their job is to distract people with other issues that tug at their emotions so they forget about who is really fucking them in the ass; the wealthy that sell propaganda. I have family members who fall for this hook, line, and sinker. They send me emails and texts about illegal immigrants, as if it's an actual problem..

Propaganda is a very effective political tool that not many people are even aware of when it's used. It's why you get chills as a young American kid when the national anthem is played. That's designed. That's on purpose.. And it works.
Whenever there's even a small victory for the middle class over the wealthy, their faithful apparatchiks scream, 'class warfare!' Jeff Sessions was particularly infamous for this.

The truth is that the upper class have had the class war- one they started- go all their way since Reagan was elected. They've won.

If anyone doesn't believe me, watch the wealth inequality clip I posted just a few posts above.