7 days into flower a lot of leaves dying???


i have almost givin up on these plants. there are areas of the plants that look fantastic! and other areas that look like shit.

these guys are 7 days into flowering 12-12 and no sign of anything. only thing that has changed is little 1/2 inch long shoots at the joints.. have been watering every other day just too keep them topped off and every other water i have used fox farm grow big nute.. which im about out of lol.

here are a few pix.

i just watered before i took these pix.



ok this is a dumb ass question... either being high or i just cant figure it out i dont know..

it says for MAG deficency to do 2 percent solution for epsom salt and water.

in 24 oz spray bottle how much epsom salt do i need lol

Mother's Finest

Well-Known Member
Produce is correct +rep. You are also watering too often. At very least, the top third of the soil should be bone-dry when you water.
ok this is a dumb ass question... either being high or i just cant figure it out i dont know..

it says for MAG deficency to do 2 percent solution for epsom salt and water.

in 24 oz spray bottle how much epsom salt do i need lol
just do 1tsp per gallon of water, or 1/4 tsp per 32 oz of water, or 1/8 tsp per 16oz of water...im pretty sure you get the pattern lol...make sure to check the ph of the run off because incorrect ph will result in other nute lockout...any questions ask away :D
i just stick my index finger 2 bends in if its dry you know its good to water....it also isnt good to let it dry too long because it creates water gap blockups