7 Day Detox Pills???


Active Member
Hey Guys any 1 ever used herbal clean 7 day detox kit...to beat a piss test..any info on this product would be helpfull...thanx


Active Member
nope but synthetic piss with the heat pad and shit its called quick fix works

umm and you could just drink like a gallon of a water a day completely flush your system should take about 2 weeks if your a heavy smoker or if you stopped for a bit should only take a week

it worked for me so good luck
No experience with the 7 day drink, but plenty of experience with testing unfortunately. Past experience with other drinks that claim negative test. The deal is that the others work if they have had a head start. What I mean is that the detox drinks that claim you can pass any test will only work if your system is not real saturated or you have quit smoking 2-3 weeks before the test. I've tested myself at different saturation levels with different products. The only one that will work no matter what is the synthetic stuff at human body temp. Don't sweat it, go with the Quick Fix!