6x6x6 GROW ROOM, 2-600watt, How can i get the most out of it???


Nice plants man! They look healthy. About your LST, i belive the point is to bend so you can have an even canopy of buds, just applying lst to bottom branches will make the top keep streteching and the bottom slow down growth while they recup therefore having the bottom buds you LST less light in the end as they wont catch up.

In the picture i have 6 plants, 3 in 30 liters, and the others in 20 liters.

I LST like a beast, FIM. and bend the fuck out of my plants, let me see if i can find some pics, i start by fimming or topping my clones at 5 nodes then i pull the whole trunk to the floor and go from there! I started with seed for my liberty, then cloned to have my last harvest, and this is my last run of liberty haze as my next candidates are sweet seeds double white and snow fruit. I harvested the snow fruit on sunday and will harvest the double white this weekend, those 2 i cloned off a buddys plant which i then cloned to have a full room full which have been vegging for a month and a half from clone.

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Herea re pics of my last batch of already harvested liberty haze while vegging

Notice how I use paper clips to start pinning to the ground and try to move main stalk to one side to start curling it to the rim of the pot
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Here we are a bit later on, notice how the plant has nearly no height but all the branches are tied to the rim of the pot using zip ties. If you look close there is a branch i super cropped because i had run out of zip ties and wanted to experiment to see how it worked.
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Here is a good example of a plant I bent the stalk early in its life and kept training, as you can see i transplanetd to the right hand side so the plant would fill the pot and not have any empty space of the pot itself

before View attachment 2716083 afterView attachment 2716060

Lastly this is the finished part of training and veg and ready for the flower room! here as you can see all zip ties are gone as i had to cut them to transplant and finish training so i used some paper clips to bend down the tallest branches while others the infrastructure has already been established there fore no need to keep holding them down as they are strong and sturdy and should not reposition themselves back up!

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If you need help with your clones in your dome holler at me. I started cloning 8 months ago with 90% success on every run! with a dome! Using jiffys or rockwool, sticking with jiffys as i get quicker roots with them!

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note, never place clones on cold surface like I did by placing them on teh counter top, i had cloned a male plant which i did now know it was male until sexed so those were going in the garbage (sucked) but had some nice roots thats for sure!!!!
My liberty haze the one that I tried LSTing on was just a test, ive never done it before and wanted to see wat would happen... But I looked at all your Pix and went down and bent mine all up!! LoL! starting to look good!!! I watched a video on youtube where a guy says that u gotta treat your plants like Ho's!!! slap em around, bend em all up!!! and all they wanna do is please you!! LoL anyways, I took your advice!!! THanx!! Oh and my cloning!! THey look like shit clone m 066.jpgclone m 067.jpgclone m 068.jpg I tried using coco cubes and roottech and they always end up looking like they do in these 2 pics... Theh ive tried something new... just using the roottech and putting them straight in my medium and they look allot better clone m 069.jpg But today I finished making my cloning machine!!! only cost me 65.00 to make it. Check it out--clone m 070.jpgclone m 056.jpgclone m 057.jpgclone m 058.jpgIve been told that you can start to see roots in like 5days!! no discoloration in the leaves and bout 99% usually make it!! what do u think? my dome fits nicely on top of it, and I decided to use a cooler instead of those cheap plastic tote things that everyone uses, they can crack so easily!! mine wont crack or break.. I also snapped a few pics of my outdoor (they are all autos white widow, lemon haze, ak-47) I brought them inside cuz its suposted to be flooding where im at.. They had a rough start, when I first brought them outside they had 1nice week of sun, then it started to rain for a week straight!! after 7days of the fucking rain, I brought them inside until it stopped raining.. then I felt that they lost so much sun and that they were behind.. so what Ive been doing is bringing them outside early in the morning, then at night they go inside under floros.. They are looking good finally!! 28days old. what do u think?? clone m 060.jpgclone m 061.jpgclone m 062.jpgclone m 063.jpgclone m 064.jpg I figure ima keep bringing them inside for bout another week... I wanna feed them again and make sure they have a nice root system so they can withstand the rain wind and shit.. They ve showed sex since bout day 18... ever grow any AUTOs? I started late that's why I did the autos this year.. Do u think I should LST them?? I don't wanna stunt them cuz they finish so fast and I don't wanna fuck em up...

You know

Hey bud, I have never grown autos so I cant comment on that but they do look really healthy thats for sure! That leaf curl on those clones look weird, usually leaf curve means too much heat. I have heard that cloning straight into medium works great as yours does, However I clone about 25 and pick the best ones with the largest roots and toss the rest, and If i put them into the medium i wouldnt be able to see the roots! I have always rooted with distilled water in which I add 1ml of flowering nutes per gallon (then add left over water to my sprayer bottle). I use AN sensi bloom. and for my root solution I have clonex gel and root tech powder (i store both in the fridge). I have done a side by side comparison, half got powder, the other half gel and they all rooted so I saw no difference. I belive the magic is in the flowering nute solution, I also warm up my water a bit before throwing in the jiffys (cold where i live). I also shave down a tad the lower stalks and slice the bottom in half! Also a great tip is to cut your clone a bit below a node you dont care about (always place in distilled water right away to prevent air bubble) Then when you do your angle cut, do it right on the node you dont care about (have read there are more hormones there and roots will spill out faster from these locations)

Your cloner looks fantastic good job on it! I always wanted to make one! I hope it works out for you! Give the bloom technique a shot and see if it works for you, I got it off a guy on youtube and has done me wonders!

Treat em like hoes! after all they are females with only one goal in mind, to please us! (no disrespect intended!)

More LST action, i pull them all facing away from each other, for even canapoy and to let the smaller growth in the middle catch some light.

wanted to see if cloning in just water really worked:

Libery haze flower shot, same as shown earlier in VEG LST pics.didnt post end result (although in this pic they had quite a bit to go!) I plan on flicking the switch earlier next time to have less stretch and hopefully less legs on my next round. It was my first run with liberty and she streteched alot! Will post pics of my double white and snow fruit soon!

keep up the good work!


hey bud, i have never grown autos so i cant comment on that but they do look really healthy thats for sure! That leaf curl on those clones look weird, usually leaf curve means too much heat. I have heard that cloning straight into medium works great as yours does, however i clone about 25 and pick the best ones with the largest roots and toss the rest, and if i put them into the medium i wouldnt be able to see the roots! I have always rooted with distilled water in which i add 1ml of flowering nutes per gallon (then add left over water to my sprayer bottle). I use an sensi bloom. And for my root solution i have clonex gel and root tech powder (i store both in the fridge). I have done a side by side comparison, half got powder, the other half gel and they all rooted so i saw no difference. I belive the magic is in the flowering nute solution, i also warm up my water a bit before throwing in the jiffys (cold where i live). I also shave down a tad the lower stalks and slice the bottom in half! Also a great tip is to cut your clone a bit below a node you dont care about (always place in distilled water right away to prevent air bubble) then when you do your angle cut, do it right on the node you dont care about (have read there are more hormones there and roots will spill out faster from these locations)

your cloner looks fantastic good job on it! I always wanted to make one! I hope it works out for you! Give the bloom technique a shot and see if it works for you, i got it off a guy on youtube and has done me wonders!

Treat em like hoes! After all they are females with only one goal in mind, to please us! (no disrespect intended!)

more lst action, i pull them all facing away from each other, for even canapoy and to let the smaller growth in the middle catch some light.
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wanted to see if cloning in just water really worked:
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libery haze flower shot, same as shown earlier in veg lst pics.didnt post end result (although in this pic they had quite a bit to go!) i plan on flicking the switch earlier next time to have less stretch and hopefully less legs on my next round. It was my first run with liberty and she streteched alot! Will post pics of my double white and snow fruit soon!
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keep up the good work!
hey, do u put the clones right under light??? Or do you keep the light away from them for a few days???

You know

Hey man! was away a few days! i just have a single 40 watt cfl hanging about a foot or a bit less away from the top of the dome. Any indirect light is fine as well. as the clones dont really need light while they root(but total darkness is a no no)(remember that light is bad for roots). if i had room in my veg area i would put the dome in the corner farthest away from the light. However I always have my clone dome in my closet with the single CFL and i always fold a large towel and rest the whole chamber on top of it, so the tray does not rest on the cold wood! The single CFL helps keep a warm environment as well inside my closet as it is winter where I am currently living!

Updated liberty shots from 4 days ago:


sorry for the shit pics.


Hey man! was away a few days! i just have a single 40 watt cfl hanging about a foot or a bit less away from the top of the dome. Any indirect light is fine as well. as the clones dont really need light while they root(but total darkness is a no no)(remember that light is bad for roots). if i had room in my veg area i would put the dome in the corner farthest away from the light. However I always have my clone dome in my closet with the single CFL and i always fold a large towel and rest the whole chamber on top of it, so the tray does not rest on the cold wood! The single CFL helps keep a warm environment as well inside my closet as it is winter where I am currently living!

Updated liberty shots from 4 days ago:

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sorry for the shit pics.
WATS UP BRO!!!!! YOUR PLANTS LOOK FUCKING NICE!!!!!! IM BOUT TO FLIP MINE INT FLOWER IN BOUT A WEEK CHECK OUT MY AUTOS THAT ARE BOUT DONE https://www.rollitup.org/auto-flowering-strains/691957-white-widow-auto-63days-old.html That's the thread


Active Member
But once my autos are done that I am growing right now, by then I will have enough clones to put in the room and fill it up.. I will be using almost the whole room then...
auto's are not recommended for gettin clones..... dont get me wrong some strains it wont hurt but for the most part all of them are fast growers as it is and clones jus wont produce shit from them..... so IMO wait 2 get clones from other non autos once the grow is finished


auto's are not recommended for gettin clones..... dont get me wrong some strains it wont hurt but for the most part all of them are fast growers as it is and clones jus wont produce shit from them..... so IMO wait 2 get clones from other non autos once the grow is finished
Yeah I know that I cant take clones from autos... what ive been talkin bout was my other plants they r photo period plants.....................but thanx anyways!!


Well-Known Member
ALL I DO IS RESEARCH!!! on my spare time of course!! im a perfectionist try to do it right first time!!! but I get what your sayin by experimenting... I just wanted to know what someone has done already? SoG, SCROG, LSD, TOPPING, etc... and what their best results were??? that way I can save time by not having to do the things that don't produce as much... Surely someone outthere has grown in a similar size room like mine with 2-600watt lights??? and tried all the proven grow techniques?? and already know what produces the most??? Get what im sayin??? anyway thanks for your input!! and if u have any more advice it would be greatly appreciated!!!!
I grew in a 5X5, but with only one 1000w. Once I had everything dialed in I did very well with it, but the limiting factor was light. In your 6X6 you won't have that problem with 2X600w. You'll just have to keep a handle on your temps, which is always a challenge, and get them fresh air (or CO2) and the right nutes. From what I've seen and done myself, SCROG is the way to go. Veg a little longer, spread them out and get the light on em and you'll produce like mad. There's just no comparison IMHO. Sometimes less is more... and that's true here...


Well-Known Member
2 600's is not overkill. If u can beat the heat then u will increase ur yield and quality.
In my small room that is 8x6x8 im running 3x1000's and a 400(all air cooled of course), using a portable ac and a water chiller to keep the air temps down. I maintain 78 with lights on no problem and I cram in 20plants @ 4-5' (30+ when vegging, but sexing removes a couple)....only problem really is humidity when I'm keeping temps up when running co2.....
My big room gives me more space and because of that i get away with less lights and i dont have to lollipop.....whatever works for ya!


I grew in a 5X5, but with only one 1000w. Once I had everything dialed in I did very well with it, but the limiting factor was light. In your 6X6 you won't have that problem with 2X600w. You'll just have to keep a handle on your temps, which is always a challenge, and get them fresh air (or CO2) and the right nutes. From what I've seen and done myself, SCROG is the way to go. Veg a little longer, spread them out and get the light on em and you'll produce like mad. There's just no comparison IMHO. Sometimes less is more... and that's true here...
I have a portable a/c but I havnt had to hook it up yet.. my temps never go higher than 83degrees and that's on a really hot day! the usual temps are 75-78. And I also have a 6in duct that brings in air from outside. my room is pretty much sealed so when my exhaust fan sucks air out then it pulls fresh air in... I was thinking a SCROG NET but how do you flush your plants? I usually do every month to get the built up nutes out and to level out my PH.. SO how would I do a scrog if I wouldn't be able to move my plants?? that's the only thing that im worried bout... WHAT DO U THINK???


2 600's is not overkill. If u can beat the heat then u will increase ur yield and quality.
In my small room that is 8x6x8 im running 3x1000's and a 400(all air cooled of course), using a portable ac and a water chiller to keep the air temps down. I maintain 78 with lights on no problem and I cram in 20plants @ 4-5' (30+ when vegging, but sexing removes a couple)....only problem really is humidity when I'm keeping temps up when running co2.....
My big room gives me more space and because of that i get away with less lights and i dont have to lollipop.....whatever works for ya!
my temps are usually good in my room.... you squeeze 30 plus plants in there???? what size pots do u use?? and how long do u veg for???


Well-Known Member
I have a portable a/c but I havnt had to hook it up yet.. my temps never go higher than 83degrees and that's on a really hot day! the usual temps are 75-78. And I also have a 6in duct that brings in air from outside. my room is pretty much sealed so when my exhaust fan sucks air out then it pulls fresh air in... I was thinking a SCROG NET but how do you flush your plants? I usually do every month to get the built up nutes out and to level out my PH.. SO how would I do a scrog if I wouldn't be able to move my plants?? that's the only thing that im worried bout... WHAT DO U THINK???
Sorry...was away for a bit.... what I do is use tiles or something to elevate the pots in big trays then use a shop vac to suck out the water from the flush. Or...I saw a guy suspend the pots in a frame and slide those low-profile rectangular storage totes (the kind that fit under the bed) underneath them and then he slide the totes out and dumps them...