65 gallon pots, hot as hell and DRY


Active Member
I water 5 gallons twice a day on the "Big girls"
Were having a heat wave with high winds and its SUCKING the water out.

IS going to 7 gallons twice a day ok?
My local farm and feed store suggested up to 20 gallons per plant per day.

The roots are all the way to the top, im talking root city.

Wish the sun would go down because these girls are THIRSTY!
Same plant 3 different ways.



Well-Known Member
dude put them in the ground what is the point of a 60 gallon pot. just dig a 60 gallon hole in the ground then you would never have to worry about watering?


Active Member
No way to dig in my soil, not even a tractor bit.
I did have a reason for above ground. No one in our region has anything but raised beds.
Rocks the size of melons will stop any tractor bit.


Well-Known Member
Most places in Puna are covered in volcanic flow...
You gotta rip it up your stuff with a D9 dozer and fill with marble sized pumice! Perfect base~
hey mang,
I too am starting an outdoor grow and I am thinking whether to plant directly in soil. Any particular benefit of planting in the soil? Other than the obvious security issue. Thats cause i am seriously debating whether to do so. If the soil in my backyard is very very fertile will it be better to simply plant in soil after germination and during part of vegetative stage. \

also, when do you know when to harvest outdoors. if flowering period is 7-9 weeks what does that mean for an outdoor grow/ I am asking because when growing indoors things like light can be regulated but outdoors you cant regulate a light cycle.

btw, what strain are you growing? and for how long. Did you vegetate indoors?


Well-Known Member
I once tried a 65 gallon smartpot, found the roots came nowhere near to filling it, bit of a waste really.


Active Member
Spanishfly, the roots are coming out the sides and filling every inch of the pot to the very very top, I packed dirt around the bottom and it will root their also.
thecalculator, I have every strain but OG cush looks far the best and most healthy in my dry arid area. My Black widow and white widow are the ones that LUST for water.

Im going to try 7 gallons in the morn and 5 at night.
These plants are basically 3 plants in one pot or three MASSIVE 5 foot tall branches the way the nursery topped them for 3 and 4 stocks.
As far as light cycles, the plants do what they do and you feed and bloom at times.
Right now 5 are blooming and the rest are in veg.
Im going to force bloom in a week or 10 days.

I got my plants at an indoor nursery at a medical clinic.
thecalculator, the flowering cycle is until it gets to cold where I am at.

FWIW: I woke up and the droopy plants are looking perfect. But 99 degrees and full sun for 13 hours with high winds really takes the water out.
THe local feed and seed suggested 15 to 20 gallons but im going with 7 and 5 and keep a very close eye on the moisture.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
bigger ptos means a waste of food n soil. veg time is the only thing that determines bud yiled..and of course lighting. i get same shit in 1 gal as i did in 5 gal with same veg time.


You can always try and add some straw to the mix. I ran into similar problems with smart pots -drying out fast as hell and most importantly keeping my roots at temps far too hot for my liking (slowing growth). try getting a few bails of hay and creating a barrier all the way around all your pots, keeps them ALOT cooler. Should slow drying out significantly. I even spread straw all over the top of the soil in the pots keeps the ladies nice and cool. The shinny yellow straw even is pretty bright - so reflects sun quite a bit as well back up on your green.


Active Member
Heat wave has broke but another is on the way. I bumped up to 7 gallons in the am and 4 at night.
With the low heat I skipped a few night time waterings. Looking pretty good now.

Medi 1

Well-Known Member
7 gallon isnt enough for that size pot. im in 2 gal and need to water at about 1 gal. so 1/3 the total pot size every 2 days. ty like 20 gal for that size...is why its dryin so fast also besides heat. you even get run off at the small amount of water?


Active Member
Because its drip I get a slow runoff. My feed store guy suggested 18 gallons.
Its way cooler now and im skipping nights.

Got massive growth when the temps went below 98!!!