600w HPS or 2 400w HPS ????


Well-Known Member
Hi, setting up a new area using a 4 x 4 tray in a tent. should I go 2 400's or 1 600 on a light rail???

I kinda like the idea of 2 400's .... what do u think??


Well-Known Member
In a 4x4 area you will want a 600w with no light rail. Not sure why you'd want a rail regardless with a square tent.

Anyway, the 600w is the most efficient HID.


Well-Known Member

I agree with purplehazin, but if you can afford a Light Rail it will increase your yield and potency and reduce your flowering time even in that small area. Reduce heat stress. My Light Rail set up is in the Equipment chapter of Weed Science:

Weed Science: ebook download



Active Member
The two 400s will saturate the area better than the 600 if you want to spend more. If your going that route, get an older magnetic core hps ballast and you'll have the option to run Ceramic Metal Halide(use in both veg and flower).


Well-Known Member
k, also, I should have mentioned this is a closed setup with an A/C unit. so, I'm not concerned with heat using 2 400w or the 600w. now, I'm aware the 600w HPS is a bit more efficient than the 400w, I don't know how much more efficient tho, and I do know the 400w was the most efficient previous to the 600w invention. Also, I am a believer in the light rail as I've seen what it's done for a friend's setup - it increased S2 growth and yield by about 20%.

so, with this new info on the room design using A/C, do you still like the 600w with light rail over a pair of stationary 400w's ????


Active Member
Efficiency wise your looking at roughly 9 amps for the two 400s and around 5.5 amps for the 600w. The 600 is the clear winner for power consumption. With a light rail you'll still have deeper penetration. With two 400s now your looking at more money,power,ducting, and equipment. If you don't already have your equipment, why not run a 1000 watter to fully make use of that space?

Green Revolution

Active Member
ceiling height in a tent is a problem using a 1kw setup with ebb/flo don't you think?
Depends on how long you veg your ladies.

You could get away with a 3+ week veg perhaps, but then what is the point of the added wattage? The plants wont be huge and wont need as much wattage to reach the lower bud sites.

Maybe on a mover you could spread the light more evenly but now we are talking about a rectangular tent of sorts... anyone else? :|


Active Member
A 600w is perfect for a 3x3 area and feel that 4x4 is stretchin it. The 400s will provide a seemless footprint. I'd personally go with two 400s and keep em short and bushy.


Well-Known Member
if your in a 4x4 tray a six will be great for you.. i never used a light mover on sucha small space but i guess it cant hurt... way beter idea than the 2 400's i would think.. but hey what do i know? im new to the 600 club myself

Green Revolution

Active Member
I conduct medical grows in these tents with a 600w air cooled light. This leaves a small open space around the edge of the garden for ease of access. Pots are placed in saucers directly onto the floor liner.


The tent is 4'9"x4'9"x6'7"

I veg 6-9 plants, 4-7 weeks on average (dependent upon genetics,) and have no issues regarding light penetration unless working with a very stretchy Sativa. I super-crop these to keep them short and bushy.

You don't need 18" clearance from your bulb with good ventilation and can get as close as desired. Watch your canopy for bleaching, ensure a even spread and you will be fine.

To test distance quickly, hold your hand under the bulb to feel for excess heat at canopy level, if its too hot for comfort, its too hot for your girls.


Well-Known Member
I grew the bud on my avatar with a 600 watt hps with no light rail in a 4x4 ebb and flow tray. I'd go for the 600 watter - a 1000 sounds is probably pretty good, but now you at least know that it can be done GREAT with the 600 watter.