600W DWC Cabinet System - 1st Run


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week seven begins!

added 180 big fat ml of overdrive to the sauce. diluted down a little bit before adding it. ppm now getting up into the ridiculous range, but again, the higher it seems to go, the happier the plants seem to be, especially the OG. the lower fan leaves are fat and happy as they've been since mid veg stage.

topped off with 2.5 gals. this is about what the plants are drinking daily now.
adding 10 - 15ml of cal/mag per gal of top off RO as needed to stabilize ph.

again could be just me or could be it was gonna happen anyway, but not 10 hours after adding the overdrive all buds, again especially the OGs, look twice as glisteningly crystally sweet tasty good. maybe all in my head, but happy with the addition of overdrive so far.

have now added every additive i plan on dumping into the sauce, save some molasses. bought it, sitting here, don't know if i'll add it in or not. maybe for the final week.

bud stalks are leaning like crazy. cant really see it in the photos, but some of the taller stalks are leaning enough to consider staking them. gonna see if i can get away without it. if needed, might string up a little fishing line grid above the scrog screen. would be easy enough, could just run some string back and forth, anchored on the scrog screen strap supports.

but none of that is quite as fun as taking more cool zoom in bud porn.

ph 5.8, 2330 ppm, 64f res
71 room, 79 chamber one, 74 chamber two
room humid 61%


Active Member
yeah but nowhere really to stake those sticks. hopefully won't need to mess with it, but hell man, it sure is cool watching the weight pile on and stalks bend under it. got to be at least an ounce on the heavier ones, wet weight anyway.
in the long run, i might mod the cab to have a couple of eye hooks around 8 - 10" above where the scrog screen sits, on the left and right sides. could then stretch small bungees as needed like an X across the scrog area. something like that anyway. i hate making things out of fishing line or whatever stuff that will only work as a stop-gap temporary fix. i like solutions that continue to work and don't have to be messed with, cut out, re-done, etc.

get this, looks like we found ppm equilibrium at about 2370ppm of all places. was expecting to find this around 1750, really surprised to see it up here. Water level dropping fine, ppm staying about the same, good stuff. Probably not good stuff for the BD, but the OGs look healthier and happier than they have throughout all of the flowering phase. Still getting a particular shade of mustard yellow from the top down, but i can tell now that this is something to expect from an OG late in flowering, not a deficiency.


Active Member


Dig the "crowns" popping up on the tips today. Is that the overdrive talking? i've heard it described before as promoting bud sites atop other sites. Don't know how true that is, but .. shrug .. there you go. Pretty cool. Crowns like this popping up today on probably 30% of the tops.

cut chamber one lights to 11 hours on as of today. also been letting temps start dropping down with constant venting.
despite nice equilibrium of ppm, begin ramping down with every top off.

ph 5.8, 2210ppm, 64f res
room 68, chamber one 77, chamber two 72
room humid 65%
chamber one humid @ 50%


Active Member

crowns everywhere turning into pineapple top looking bud sprouts. overdrive fucking rules, im sold.
kinda funny. areas on blue dream that have been N deprived and very pale for weeks now are getting darker green again. guess it's finding N in the cal/mag? not much else in the sauce should be providing it.
some stalks leaning to 5" now. all stalks showing visible gangsta lean.

ph 5.8, 2210 ppm, 65f res
room 66, chamber one 75, chamber two 71
room humid 65%
chamber one humid @ 38%


Active Member


yep. planning on taking them to 70 days.

dig these pics of a clone experiment. had a clone catch the fuzz but continue growing with just the one fan leaf. it rooted pretty well, this is after ripping it out of the rockwool. its about 6 weeks rooted.

based on what i see here, i will scrape the outer layer from the stem tip next time and split them down the middle.


ph 5.8, 2100 ppm, 65f res
68 room, 75 chamber one, 71 chamber two
room humid 66%
chamber one humid @ 45%


Active Member
Just went through the whole thread, everything is lookin real nice.

Day 70 pics are gonna be sweet. Keep up the good work!


Active Member

Thanks! Looking forward to more than the pics!

Bigger, faster .. stronger.

ph 5.8, 2200 ppm, 63f res
67 room, 74 chamber one, 67 chamber two
room humid 55%
chamber one humid @ 30%


Active Member


topped off. ph had finally dropped a hair. 4ml ph up and 12ml cal/mag after the top off, good to go.

calibrated ppm, was high again. crazy.

has been pretty cold in the mornings. under 55f in chamber one this morning with vent remaining on. no sign of any problems. timing is pretty good as daylight hours are reduced etc.
res temp has followed room temp and reached what, without going back and checking i think is a record low of 61f. i wouldnt mind this being a little higher but im sure it's fine. suppose it goes right along with natural fall temps and reduced daylight.

really loving the overdrive. buds forming atop other buds like a super mario double jump.

ph 5.8, 2010 ppm, 61f res
68 room, chamber one 76f, chamber two 70f
room humid 59%


Active Member


another small ph bump up today, less than a quarter gallon top off. letting it drop some.

ph 5.8, 2130 ppm, 63f res
67 room, 76f chamber one, 71f chamber two
room humd 64%
chamber one humid @ 40%


Active Member

Flush and fill with RO, @ 13 gallons

145ml each sensi bloom A & B
120ml unsulphured molasses
200ml cal/mag
100ml hygrozyme
75ml sensi grow B
200ml overdrive

I don't like this blend at all but I was short on sensi bloom. If i still dont have a good feeling about it tomorrow will flush and go pick up more sensi.
dont know if molasses was a good idea or not. it made the sauce a little frothy, hopefully that calms down.

ph up as needed

ph 5.8, 1400 ppm, 63f res
room 68, chamber one 76, chamber two 71
room humid 64%


Active Member

See above recipe.
Note to self: Don't ever do that again.

Sauce looked more like fucking gravy. Molasses is fired. Maybe it does nice things, but my res looking like it's full of coffee just fucks the feng shui.
Frothy is the hygrozyme talking, not the molasses. Next time i'll add it gradually. Hopefully the froth isn't a problem. Probably done this every time and I just haven't noticed.

Flushed again, @ 13 gallons RO with:

220ml each sensi bloom a & b
100ml overdrive
100ml hygrozyme
ph up to 5.8
185ml cal/mag

this is the last dosage of nutrients that these plants will get. the last meal.

also calibrated ppm. meter was fine this time.

ph 5.8, 1740 ppm, 72f res (RO from different machine, 10f warmer than the other machine.)
room 71, chamber one 79, chamber two 75
room humid 65%


Active Member


slight top off, slight ph adjust. 25ml cal/mag.

ph 5.8, 1820 ppm, 69f res
72 room, 79 chamber one, 73 chamber two
room humid 65%


Active Member

C360_2011-02-08 23-53-42.jpg C360_2011-02-08 23-52-52.jpg C360_2011-02-08 23-54-34.jpg

chasing ph again but should have it nailed down by tomorrow. i underestimated the amount of cal/mag to throw in. probably double it and then some. have added another 65ml over the course of the day.

ph 5.8, 1960 ppm, 68f res
69f room, 78 chamber one, 72 chamber two
room humid 68%


Active Member
ph 5.3 this morning, about 7 hours after last entry.
maybe triple the cal/mag next time.. seems ridiculous now.
I WILL get this nailed down.

edit: LAUGH
5.3 again not 4 hours later. Everytime I think I have this figured out ..
no time for chasing PH today. dropped in 3/4 tsp baking soda.

after harvest, res gets fitted with a circulation system. really wonder if im dumping stuff in on one side and it's not making it to the other side due to root mass in the way. or making it slowly. something.