600w 4x4 organic grow tent


Active Member
Man I am so bummed out!!! I think one of my bitches is hermie, I saw it on the lst one at around the 5th node from the top. Wtf man I need good genetics. So should I toss it or what? Do you guys think my whole garden are hermie if I found one?


Well-Known Member
That is a tricky one. I've had plants throw a few nuts and the very beginning and then again just a couple towards the end of flower. If I caught them in time I was fine but if not I got a few seeds. If you think they may all be herm then you might as well keep em all and pinch them off. If you think it is the only herm then you might want to just toss it - you still have quite a few left.


Active Member
Ok so I plucked the male flowers if that's what they even were off the one and think I spotted them on one more. Now its at the lowest node showing sex on each plant. My temps spiked to 91 due to too many bends in my ducting on the fan side. The only 2 really affected with twisting leaves are the hermies and they are both the smallest. I'm thinkin I should pitch them but do you think id lose out on a lot of yield. Or should I chance keepin em around maybe havin some seeds in my buds. Space is money for me I'm lookin for good stash shit but the majority will be gone, what should I do!!


Active Member
Also my biggest clue leading me to believe they are male flowers is the calyx is on a little stem. Is it something else maybe or since they are smallest should I toss em.


Well-Known Member
You will have 4 calyxes per node, one on each side of each growth point. I've found that when plants just throw a couple nuts this is generally where is happens.


Active Member
Ok so do you think I should just look and pluck then or just take them out? Do u think they will produce more male flowers and seed my crop oe just a few flowers and seed up some smaller inner buds?


Active Member
Any insight would be nice, I'm thinkin about tossing them, but I really could use as much weed as possible, but I do want the best so ill prob toss them when lights come on if they look worse. What's the chance of all being hermi vs just these 2 out of 9?


Active Member
And tanker when u say throw out a couple nuts do you mean at the beginning or middle or end, and do you think if they are hermi that if I trim the balls they'll keep comin back or they'll stay away, mind you I'm not 100% they're male preflowers just small more round calyxs. None have opened.


Active Member
So I have 7 healthy ladies and a couple of hermies in bags, yea I chopped em, y risk seeding up my others on my 2 smallest plants, I think the good outweighed the bad so now were back on track, I fed em again today and snapped some pics, ill get em up fri or sat, my pistils are startin to stack and when you walk into my room there's a faint berry smell, I don't have any air freshners other than the odor eliminators fresh cotton and fresh linens. I also have a lavender but its a spray I use when my rents are comin over. While I was watering I also looked for other hermies and none were found, just pistils and bright green leaves.well that wraps up this update sorry for the scare, we are back in business.


Well-Known Member
sounds good brother.

if they throw balls or bananas you still have quite a few days before you should chop them or pick them. typically, a mature pollen sack indicates a male, or a hermaphrodite if you see both these pollen sacks and calyxes with white hairs emerge on the same plant.

I chop if I see pollen sacks.

Compounding variables determine if I pluck or chop a hermie. These variables include length of time flowering, how many nanners show up(ie if its physically and accurately manageable to pluck them), risk to other plants, etc. For example, if it was early into flowering id probably chop, just because its a risk to the crop as well as a minimal loss. However, if it was like the 6-9 week flowering mark and they throw bananas that are few and easily manged, I will pluck.

Personal preference is typically the route most growers will go. In my experience, I use a deduction method of mitigating the highest risk factor coupled with manageability. In other words, I look for the highest risk(usually infecting other females with pollen) and then factor in if I want to go through with daily banana-plucking. The answer is usually no, its annoying.

Everything is sounding good so far, ive been enjoying the thread. pics?


Active Member
Yea I reasoned a little bit and my 7 are filling up nicely, ill put some pics up tommorow or Saturday, probably sat cuz I have some shit to do tommorow but they will be up Saturday, I have quite a few white hairs comin in. How long usually before they start smelling and turning into real buds with trichs?


Well-Known Member
It should get exciting fast. Smell comes first - even with little to no flowers, then you'll start seeing tiny buds forming with lots of pistils at the ends. Next they start to enlarge and lengthen and then in the last two weeks the buds will explode in weight and girth. The entire journey is all really exciting - you'll love it.

We're both down to 7 :) Can't wait for the pics.


Active Member
Ok so weekly pic update next weekend will be nice cuz ill have the fan and filter installed(supposed to be here tuesday). i have a canopy shot an some side shots of all the ladies and a couple top shots and one node shot im not sure how it will come out but it was just a trial pic also the one in the farther back right corner is my tallest so for comparison i put a rapid rooter tray on top of the soil for an accurate size comparison. im starting to get white hairs everywhere i started budding 1 week and 5 days ago, not last sunday but the one before some im coming up on week 3. i started flowering at 9-2 inches and now the smallest is 18 and im guessing the tallest is well over 26. so lemme know what you think and do you think they look more sativa or indica?? 2011-04-01 19.31.46.jpg2011-04-01 19.28.54.jpg2011-04-01 19.29.58.jpg2011-04-01 19.29.43.jpg2011-04-01 19.29.14.jpg2011-04-01 19.27.57.jpg2011-04-01 19.35.09.jpg2011-04-01 19.34.47.jpg2011-04-01 19.30.23.jpg2011-04-01 19.34.56.jpg2011-04-01 19.31.20.jpg2011-04-01 19.28.25.jpg


Well-Known Member
They look great! Those ones in the back have huge leaves. I would guess they are a hybrid - huge leaves with quite a bit of separation between blades but not completely skinny. Are they all from the same?


Active Member
they re all from the same which baffles me they all look different!!! some with strong branching some with short branchig some really tall and some kinda small. im just hoping they all ripen at about the same time


Well-Known Member
i couldnt figure why i hadnt seen ur thread pop up i didnt have it subed i do now dammit lol looks great wait till they start buddin and stinkin ur chest ill pop and ull be a proud grandaddy lol have a good one mr organics


Active Member
Beautiful ladies!!! Keep up the good work!! Ill be back up soon, I have some AK, NL and Bubba flowering right now. :D


Active Member
So I looked in today and something looked different. The tops are shooting out lots of hairs and calyxs and turning into buds. Very exciting to finally see my buds forming. The big on didn't stop shooting up so I bent it about 3 nodes from the top so it could get light. I dunno if that's good but I had to do it it was like 8 inches above the rest. I also went ahead and started germinating 3 bomberry and 3 dutch treat in hopes I can find a couple good moms to fill it up with clones as soon as I crop. My plans for them are to just veg untopped till I see sex then cloning the fems rooting em and throwing em in 3 gammon smartpots when they are open.


Well-Known Member
So I looked in today and something looked different. The tops are shooting out lots of hairs and calyxs and turning into buds. Very exciting to finally see my buds forming. The big on didn't stop shooting up so I bent it about 3 nodes from the top so it could get light. I dunno if that's good but I had to do it it was like 8 inches above the rest. I also went ahead and started germinating 3 bomberry and 3 dutch treat in hopes I can find a couple good moms to fill it up with clones as soon as I crop. My plans for them are to just veg untopped till I see sex then cloning the fems rooting em and throwing em in 3 gammon smartpots when they are open.
kewl it is exciting to see those hairs and buds forming kewl.. i updated check out the bomberry its looking good good luck with them mrorganics