6 Plants LST, 3 Week Cycle,Harvest Every 3 Weeks 250W HPS Flower 200W MultiCFL Veg


Well-Known Member
Im going thru cold temps right now but im not really worried about yield as much as quality and if the temps give my buds crazy colors i can deal with it..But i will get this temp shit situated
What I found was the low temps caused them to mature alot slower still got the yield but it took alot longer .I run the veg chamber 24/0 ,that way its always at temp and it warms the upper flower chamber to temp . I was able to maintain optimal temps with the last cold snap we got down to 0 degrees . I never saw the lowest temp of the garage air but it,s been hovering around 40 degrees F.And yeahthe low temps make color like crazy see how that PE purped up .


Well-Known Member
What I found was the low temps caused them to mature alot slower still got the yield but it took alot longer .I run the veg chamber 24/0 ,that way its always at temp and it warms the upper flower chamber to temp . I was able to maintain optimal temps with the last cold snap we got down to 0 degrees . I never saw the lowest temp of the garage air but it,s been hovering around 40 degrees F.And yeahthe low temps make color like crazy see how that PE purped up .
"At low temperatures, under 65 degrees,
the photosynthesis rate and growth are
slowed. The difference in growth rate is not
readily apparent if the temperature dips
once in a while or the low temperatures are
not extreme. However, temperatures under
50-55 degrees virtually stop growth.
Temperatures in the 40’s cause slight
temporary tissue damage. When
temperatures dip into the high thirties tissue
damage which takes several days to repair
may result, especially in older plants.
When temperatures rise above 78
degrees, cannabis’ rate of growth slows
once again as the plant uses part of its
energy to dissipate heat and keep its water
content constant. The rate of growth
continues to slow as the temperature rises.
Photosynthesis and growth stop
somewhere in the 90’s." From Ed Rosenthal


Well-Known Member
Oh and btw, I ended up with a hermie from one of the first 2 girls that showed sex and my other 2 plants are fem..... at the moment. So now I have 5 girls and a damn hermie.


Well-Known Member
Oh and btw, I ended up with a hermie from one of the first 2 girls that showed sex and my other 2 plants are fem..... at the moment. So now I have 5 girls and a damn hermie.
I hate hermie, i have had one in the past two grows. both have been my favorite strains in the batch. lol


Well-Known Member
I hate hermie, i have had one in the past two grows. both have been my favorite strains in the batch. lol
Yeah and this asshole is looking so damn nice too! So many bud spots showing and BAM I find the little banana batards this morning. I was pissed til Mr. Hash put me in a better mood;)


Well-Known Member
It's been a minute since I broke out my kief box and made me some kief.... I might need to do that. hehe.


Well-Known Member
Lol too funny guys . I hate em too nothing worse than discovering your gurl has a set of balls ! You gonna ditch the hermie or let it seed?


Well-Known Member
Lol too funny guys . I hate em too nothing worse than discovering your gurl has a set of balls ! You gonna ditch the hermie or let it seed?
Already gone. I didn't want to take a chance of pollinating the girls and didn't have another option....


Well-Known Member
Next time i get a hermie im giving it to a bum that searches in the alley behind my house.
Yeah sometimes I see homeless ppl with signs that say whatever but somewhere on the sign will be a pot leaf or 420 . I try to hand them a nug when i can .


Well-Known Member
"At low temperatures, under 65 degrees,
the photosynthesis rate and growth are
slowed. The difference in growth rate is not
readily apparent if the temperature dips
once in a while or the low temperatures are
not extreme. However, temperatures under
50-55 degrees virtually stop growth.
Temperatures in the 40’s cause slight
temporary tissue damage. When
temperatures dip into the high thirties tissue
damage which takes several days to repair
may result, especially in older plants.
When temperatures rise above 78
degrees, cannabis’ rate of growth slows
once again as the plant uses part of its
energy to dissipate heat and keep its water
content constant. The rate of growth
continues to slow as the temperature rises.
Photosynthesis and growth stop
somewhere in the 90’s." From Ed Rosenthal
Informative post +rep if I could


Well-Known Member
Why sure , I purposely went to less plants and bigger pots to work toward achieving this . When your legally limited to 6 plants total you have to use methods to pump them for all they are worth . I,d rather run a 400 , I will if the 250 turns out to be my limiting factor . I do supplement with CFLS my hood has a small foot print ,so eventually as they get bigger I start adding Cfls around the borders . I keep that 250 about 4-6 in from the canopy to rape it for all its worth . My biggest plant so far flowered in 2 gallons of soil and yielded almost 1.5 zip .As soon as possiple I,m switching to a CMH those seem to have a good increase on yield I,m learning.
I feel ya on that one king...6 mature plants. My 1st plant was in a 2 gallon container and Making It Rain helped me get 43g on my 1st ever grow. I grew in even smaller containers, not even a gallon of 3 plants and its drying right now but I am hoping to get 2 1/2 oz or zips. LOL I really believe an wont ever water another plant without using RM3 Making It Rain. I am excited about find you and your thread cause I know my knowledge of growing will increase even more now.



Active Member
right here with ya bro...making it rain i did to one of my plants because of BKB and i will back him up 100%...i think you should try it to one plant if you can it will be worth it!


Well-Known Member
Oh definatly for sure . Been following his threads for awile . I like his methods ,Making it rain seems to pump them into a fast growing cycle . When you do make it rain it,s a good time to spray them for bugs,mildew . I rotate between neem oil , milk , and a sulpher spray ,rotating prevents tolerance they don,t know what to expect when you hit em with something different . I keep fighting powdery mildew right now .


Well-Known Member
Preventative Schedule should be followed to successfully avoid common indoor garden problems . I make a weekly chart and follow it . All plants in veg get sprayed weekly . There are many products that are an "all in one product" , by this I mean they are effective for insects and mold . Spraying them weekly is the way to go , nothing worse than getting 3 weeks into flowering to figure out you got mold blooming everywhere or that your harboring an army of spider mites . At this point it is critical to not have any problems , a major problem in flowering can cause diminished harvests and late maturity.

Here are some simple sprays that are commonly used by indoor gardeners .
1.Neem Oil
Formulations made of neem oil also find wide usage as a bio-pesticide for organic farming, as it repels a wide variety of pests including the mealy bug, beet armyworm, aphids, the cabbage worm, thrips, whiteflies, mites, fungus gnats, beetles, moth larvae, mushroom flies, leafminers, caterpillars, locust, nematodes and the Japanese beetle. Neem oil is not known to be harmful to mammals, birds, earthworms or some beneficial insects such as butterflies, honeybees and ladybugs. It can be used as a household pesticide for ant, bedbug, cockroach, housefly, sand fly, snail, termite and mosquitoes both as repellent and larvicide (Puri 1999). Neem oil also controls black spot, powdery mildew, anthracnose and rust (fungus).(cutnpasted from Wikipedia)

2.Pyrethrum , the best known botanical pesticide ,is extracted from the flowers of the Pyrethrum Chrysanthemum . Pyrethrins,Cinerins and Jasmolins are the active ingrediants in natural pyrethrum and kills insects on contact.Pyrethrum is also combined with rotenone orryania to ensure effectiveness . A broad spectrum, pyrethrum kills aphids, white flies ,and spider mites, and insects including beneficials.It is very effective to control flying insects , but they must receive a killing knockdown dose or they may revive and fly away .(retyped from The MMJ bible)

3.Sulfer-Elemental sulfur is one of the oldest fungicides and pesticides. Dusting sulfur, elemental sulfur in powdered form, is a common fungicide for grapes, strawberry, many vegetables and several other crops. It has a good efficacy against a wide range of powdery mildew diseases as well as black spot. In organic production, sulfur is the most important fungicide. It is the only fungicide used in organically farmed apple production against the main disease apple scab under colder conditions. Biosulfur (biologically produced elemental sulfur with hydrophilic characteristics) can be used well for these applications.
Standard-formulation dusting sulfur is applied to crops with a sulfur duster or from a dusting plane. Wettable sulfur is the commercial name for dusting sulfur formulated with additional ingredients to make it water miscible.[36] It has similar applications, and is used as a fungicide against mildew and other mold-related problems with plants and soil.(from Wikipedia)

4.Milk-Skim milk not whole milk can be mixed with water at a 10/1 water to milk ratio to fight Powdery Mildew . It changes the PH of the leaf surface making it inhabitable for mildew to grow.



Well-Known Member
Just got through transplanting the next plant up for flowering .I went with the Pineapple Express to give the Medibud some more time to get healthy. Got the PE chillin in a 5g bucket now this will give her about a week and a half to get settled in b4 she goes up top.


Well-Known Member
The P.E. I transplanted is really digging her new home . She will go into flowering in 10 days . Still waiting on the youngest 2 plants to take off . Those were some crappy clones . Got to get my hands on some seeds for now on .


Well-Known Member
We are having another cold snap. Last cold one I didn't have a thermometer in the garage. It's 13degrees outside right now and it's 32 in the garage . My cab temps are 68 veg and 76.3 flower lights just went off in flowering . So I,m positve 30 something degrees .
Let's see I got 11 23-26 w cfls burning to maintain that .When its normal temps say 30s overnight I get away with alot less lights I can just burn 3 of them when its warmer.