5wk old plant problem?


Hey everyone, first off I just wanted to say I'm new here and thanks for clicking on my thread. :-D

About 4 weeks ago I found some bagseed and decided to experiment with growing the herb so I germinated it in a paper towel and planted it, it grew normally and became a fast-growing healthy young seedling. However, this was about a week into her life and I had to leave for 3 weeks for a vacation (already planned, I know I shouldn't have planted it, I just wanted to get it started before I left) so I asked my friend to look after it.

Fast-forward 3 weeks, I come back, I expected the plant to be pretty well off and having those iconic pot leaves already growing - nope.

4 weeks old and my plant is pretty much only a centimeter (or less?) taller than during it's 1st week of life, the first two fan leaves are yellow'ish, bent down and dead on the ends, newer leaves are a healthy green though.

It seems as if the culprit is overwatering, my friend was watering it when the SURFACE was dry, he didn't bother sticking his finger in the soil or even bringing the plant in the shade when it rained. I've been home for about a week now and it doesn't seem to have grown at all, I'm thinking I really f*cked up, could anybody offer some insight?

Age: 5 weeks Height: 2in Strain: unknown Soil: Miracle-Gro
Set-up: Outdoors, I live in Hawaii .. . (sorry if I forgot any other deets, I'm tired)

If you guys want a pic I can do that tomorrow morning.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my flop, I really appreciate it. :eyesmoke::mrgreen:


Active Member
knowing the characteristics of unknown strains is a lot like getting a blow job by one girl and fucking another not too long after... it rarely happens and youre one lucky son of a bitch if it does.. dont give up on it. if it doesnt grow in the next few weeks, start over. theyre free seeds so youre only out the time and experience. i like germinating seeds in a cup of distilled water for 24 hours (a seed can be suffocated and if it does germinate when left in water for a while, the growth with be slow as fuck). once the tap root appears, use tweezers and put it in soil (use a rockwool cube if you can). its really easy to watch a baby grow when its environment is a 1" square. when enough roots appear, then transplant it to soil. you just have a better chance of a healthy grow. i went on vacation for 4 days one time and my plants what were 4 weeks into flowering got so hot in the garage that they died (100+ temps). saddest shit ever. at 5 weeks, they should be a lot taller. if you want to start over, nows the time. it could always be slow to grow from now on. if you do choose to do that, get the little pots (2" or so) and start several seeds. take your best two and grow them out. it sucks only growing 1 seed and 8 weeks later find out its a fucking male.. best of luck dude. you can pm me if you have more questions. there is very little i cant answer. good luck growing. as i tell everyone, TELL NO ONE!!! security is the most important part of growing! it seems really exciting to grow and its kind of cool to brag about it.. then when the task force comes to your door and takes youre shit and you have to hire bad ass lawyers to beat their search warrant, life gets pretty shitty. once the cops think youre growing, youre fucked!


Well-Known Member
if you overwater when using miracle grow soil your also over feeding for a small plant. be careful not to over water. The plant is most definitely shocked and will take some time to recover. in my experience two weeks is the minium recovery time, but it can take longer up to six. If you have more plants or have time to start from seed again might be your best option if not she'll come around, but she might never be the same. best of luck