5wk Grapeape and Bagseed CFL Journal. SMARTPOTS! 12/12 starts tonight


Well-Known Member
man you are doing very well for your first. i wouldnt mind having a cab just like that but with like a 250w hps. i really like autos so a cab that size would be perfect.


Active Member
yup for autos it would be perfect even with the indica i have now its fine. but sativa would not go every well unless you vegged for like 2 weeks.
Are you in the northern california area? Im probably gonna sell this cab after im done using it after this harvest and then maybe invest in a smaller grow tent


Active Member
lol guess what!!?? that trip im going on is to texas! my dad is moving to corpus christi for work and im going with him then flying back to cali. too bad the cab will still be in use at that time :/


Active Member
2 Week 5 Days into Flowering

Just watered them with 2 1/4 of sensi bloom part A and B. When i was trying to tie down my bagseed cause it was growing in one way a little too much the branch SNAPPED! :( i Used some copper wire and a paper tie to hold it together. They are currently sitting outside in the nice northern california sun. lol

Why are some of the pistils turning brown/red?

First pics are before watering.
3rd pic and on is after watering.



Well-Known Member
well dang haha plants are looking nice and healthy. as plants mature the hairs will turn brown. there is a noticeable different from a burnt hair to a maturing hair. i didn't notice any in the pics.



Active Member
3 Weeks 2 Days!
Alright they are looking really good. Also the stench is starting to happen. When I open the door to the cab it smells pretty warm and skunky. Today I will feed around 3 or 4 but Im not sure what I should give as far as volume of nutes. I think they are gettting a little nute burned but idk for sure. Crystals are forming everyday and the hairs seem to turning red/brown which I guess is normal. I will also have a vid update later on today.

Heres my thread on the nute burn question..

Check out the pics!



Well-Known Member
dang man getting so frosty. my buds don't have to many trichs. although it is a reggs bagseed lol they are gettin fat though.



Active Member
Crazy- Yea they are getting all frosty and the smell is pure sex. I cant wait to see what is to come!

motoke- hahah thanks alot man i really appreciate that. And shit if you would have seen the grapeape bud i had a couple months ago you would have died lol too bad i dont have any pics of it.

ant- thanks!! i'll hit you up right now maynnneee

THANKS FOR THE COMMENTS!!! It always feels good to know im doing something alright :) :) :)


Well-Known Member
did you weather strip around your door? and did you caulk around the edges? curious because i want to buid something like you have

lata bro


Active Member
yea the door has weather stripping and all seams are caulked. When i close the door you can hear/feel the air going through vents thats how sealed it is. So its practically smell proof unless i open the door. And the only thing i have to do is filter exhaust air thats going through out my window.

I'll try and get pics of the box for you later today!

It was quite fun building my dad even helped out. (he actually knew what it was for. He doesnt smoke be supports my habit plus Im a medical user) hhahha


Active Member
man that is great. wish my dad was cool like that. mine doesnt even know i smoke lol
yea both my parents know ive been smoking for days. When my dad found my first cab he told me to get rid of it. My mom coxed him into letting me have it (it was a file cabinet). After that I told him i was gonna make a legit cabinet and while i was making the frame for it. He told me I was doing it all wrong. And started to help. Without him it would have came out a disaster.

Heres the pics of the box that I promised you.

You can see my growers certificate on the right side of the box :bigjoint:
And the carbon filter cut to fit i got at HomeDepot

Any other questions just ask!

