5th week flowering yellow leaves purple spots. Please help!!! First grow


Hey wats up guys, so this is my first grow and really enjoying the experience. I have 5 plants n all r doing fantastic except one. I don't know if it may be root bound or too cold at night, kinda stumped. I don't think it's a nute situation cuz all other plants r getting same n doing fine. I'm using tiger bloom 2 teaspoons a gallon and big bloom 1 tablespoon a gallon that's wat the fox farm schedule said. Also giving plants about gallon and a half for three big plants and big one is with yellow, too much water, too little? I dunno, so please help me out n let me know wat u guys think since I have no experience in growing, it would be much appreciated. Stay lifted!!!!!



Well-Known Member
I say up the nutes slightly, and possibly under watering. I looks like N def to me.
What size pots are you using?
When is the last time you flushed.?
Also you said out of the four plants, the big one is starting to yellow, and your dividing a 1.5gal between the four? I Feed my plants a gallon each every 2-3 days, but i'm in 20L (5gal) pots.


Well-Known Member
I dont see anything to be worried about,Its gonna loose a few leaves this late in flower.
Next grow id get a bigger pot tho!


Well-Known Member
They look quite small to be loosing leaves already. My plants didn't start losing leaves till a week or so ago, and that's because I accidentally overfeed them looking out the nutes in the soil.

Not disagreeing with you somebeech, i'm just curious and pointing it out to understand. :)


Well-Known Member
Size has nothing to do really with it,Its the age.
At 5 weeks flower tht leaf or leaves has run its course.
The rest of the plant looks ok,maybe a little overwatered.



Thanks for the feed back guys was a little worried at first but now I don't feel as bad. Should I remove the leaves though or just let them fall off by themselves don't wanna be wasting energy but don't wanna cause stress either


O yea I have them in 3gallons I guess in the next grow ill have too up my pot in more ways than one lol


What is the pH of your water after adding nutes?
From what I've read, if you're having uptake problems it's likely due to the pH of your water. Our tap water can get up to 8.1, that's the highest I've measured. I keep my range between 5.9 and 5.5.
Also, sativa dominant plants seem to get nitrogen claw when indicas are just fat dumb and happy. I've increased the dilution of my nute/water combo for my satdoms, and the claws slowly began to unclench.
Different strains have different requirements, so what works for these makes those look like crap. IOW, it is not a "one size fits all" situation.

Check your pH, and if your problem plant is a sativa, dilute its food to a weaker solution than for the indicas. Also I have found that the satdoms can develop a tight root tangle at the base of the stem that will start causing water to puddle up instead of soaking through right away. If you notice this happening, the next thing you'll get is a stinky sulphur smell, because this is the ideal environment for anaerobic bacteria infestation that destroys the roots and smells like ass. I avoid this by aerating the roots as needed a couple times a month. This allows oxygen to get to the roots, the bacteria can't survive exposure to oxygen.

I' am on my third gorw and this is what I have learned so far. The most recent proves that third time's the charm as far as last time everything that could go wrong, did go wrong.


Active Member
I wouldn't sweat the random leaf, or even a mild case of the Sheds.. depending on how you are growing and what phase you are in.

At 5 weeks flower (I can't see very well on this monitor, so I am assuming you mean the purpling of the leaf that I can see) depending on the strain and at this time of year some purpling is common. With some strains it is a given and with others it is a phosphorus intake issue due to the plant not digging the temp variances between a hot day and a cooler night. It can also be very 'pretty'.

As someone mentioned, make sure your PH is correct.. the plant is already saying it is having in issue with uptake (not exactly lockout, just SLOWED down) and getting your PH into a good spectrum for phosphorus uptake is key to keeping her going strong.

FEEDING HER MORE FOR A BIT likely WONT help at this point. Back off totally for at least a week and see how she responds.. it wont hurt a thing and will be beneficial.


All that said, some of the random even yellowing I think I see, indicates the plant may be moisture stressed as well (or in the alternate universe got too dry and wasn't able to uptake for a bit as well.. )


All just first impressions from not being able to really see the pic on this device I am using.. everyone else's own mileage may vary..