Anyone else form this area hating the weather weve been getting for outdoor growing?? I have I live right on lake huron and its been horrible, plants are at least 2 weeks behind due to cloudy, stormy weather already lost 3 that I put out. Also I have recieved a tip from a cop friend of mine that they will be doing foot patrols of the local trails and forests in the Huron County area to look for suspcious activity so beware!!!


Active Member
im south of london and ive had decent weather lots of sun and almost always rains at night it was a problem for the farmers around here that need harder soil to plant but my girls dont seem to mind hoping it drys a bit for flower


Active Member
Its so damn annoying...... The weather is so shitty up here in the Greater Toronto Area.


Active Member
Gotta agree the weather sucks so far this year. I'm about a month behind just put my last six girls out.Hope the good weather is just around the corner. Thanks for the heads up on the Huron county patrols.......they won't find shit anyway (just another way to spent tax dollars)!!


Well-Known Member
Good to see all the 519 people,
my plants are nothing compaired to last year.. witch i s a dissapointment. but think ill still get enough to
last me the winter. :D We need to get a seed/clone collective going 519!