50mg Delta9 THC oil.


Well-Known Member
Man...I just smoked 50mg(edit:25 more now, so 75mg) of this shit. And I got two thing to say.
1. Thank you Shiva (Or Jesus or whatever, depending who is reading this(I don't want a religious argument))
2.Bitch I feel good.
(It's really quiet sounds before :25)


Well-Known Member
Like hash oil. But pure alkaloid(plus whatever oil it's in). And make into Delta 9. I got it at the Disp.


Well-Known Member
No, I can get one later though. Gotta borrow a camera. It's just like honey, but it's gotta opposite "Gooblek" effect. Like when you don't touch it it's hardish, when you touch it, it's sticky as shit. And kinda runny. (Gooblek: Slap it or run across and it's a solid. Pick it up, or touch it slowly and its a liquid.)