50000 square feet. Colorado Legal rec grow


Well-Known Member
hey Merlin, are the ballast mounted on top of the light shade? if yes best idea eva
Also are all the pots going into tables and are u using blumats on each pot?
I seen the plumbing pawn but still don't understand the drainage system yet
Ballasts are on the hoods. Fresh transplants go in the trays. No blue mats, hand watered.



Well-Known Member
Why is CRI important? Ive googled this and couldnt find much information. Eye hortilux posted an article stating why CRI is irrelevant. Thanks for sharing your operation with us
Interesting that Hortilux says that. One of their selling points of their Blue Eye bulb is the high CRI level. Think of CRI as a measure of complete spectrum. Sunlight being a CRI of 100. So, the closer the CRI is to 100 the closer it is to natural sunlight. HPS is typically around mid 40s, a total lack of much of the spectrum. That being said there's lots of ways to measure light. This is just one, not the end all be all.



Well-Known Member
Why is CRI important? Ive googled this and couldnt find much information. Eye hortilux posted an article stating why CRI is irrelevant. Thanks for sharing your operation with us
I use 80 CRI HID bulbs and planning on changing to the 90 CRI CMH.
Eye Hortilux article was probably talking about PAR (micro moles). Yellow-orange light will produce more raw PAR, also our vision is more sensitive to that spectrum that's why HPS is used for street lighting, as well as for the efficiency. A higher CRI lamp of the same wattage will probably make less PAR light, but happier plants!

This is just as far as my brain can comprehend... I might be wrong so don't quote me on that!!


Well-Known Member
Yeah I found it kind of odd.

"Do your plants care about CRI? Only if they are buying carpet, shirts, or cars. Some horticulture lighting brands publish the CRI values. However, CRI value has little to do with lamp spectrum or its ability to grow plants."

I'm not buying what Eye Hortilux is trying to sell here... are they saying it's a mere coincidence that high CRI light fixtures (be it LED or HID) are better at growing plants and have a more uniform spectrum?!
apologies for the hijacking


Well-Known Member
I'm not buying what Eye Hortilux is trying to sell here... are they saying it's a mere coincidence that high CRI light fixtures (be it LED or HID) are better at growing plants and have a more uniform spectrum?!
I guess I don't care what anyone says, the higher the CRI rating of lighting I've used the happier the plants are. I listen to the plants. Again, I'm not saying it's the end all be all, just that I've seen a direct correlation over a long career of growing cannabis.



Well-Known Member
g'day Merlin,
how many plants per light in bloom stage and what is the expected yield per plant?
Also, will the same pots be used for veg and flower?
Love the pics keep them coming.
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