500 trillion dollar tax cut. (JoeBidensafool)


Scientia Cannabis
You're failing at every turn here, like the candidate you support. As stated originially your first comment was wrong and everything following has just made you look silly. You failed miserably at relating anything I said to religion so now EVERY action they do is based on religion? Holy shit you seriously sound a little batty. Supporting someone because they haven't ALREADY failed as president is a logical choice, having nothing to do with the great ooogly moogly above.

When talking points utterly fail and can't be supported with facts, switch talking points..... at least you can follow his debate strategy.
I don't support any particular candidate.
I like Ron Paul and Obama, they seem like real people.

You still don't understand a single thing.
The fact that you support people who promote religion and let it guide their decisions means you are indirectly supporting religion.
There's no way around it, no matter what semantics you use.

I'm not sure why this is upsetting you so much, you should be aware of this fact.

Calm down, let the caps lock key rest, or let shift rest if you're one of those angry cappers.


Well-Known Member
"I didn't become a Christian until many years later,when I moved to the South Side of Chicago after college. It happened not because of indoctrination or a sudden revelation,but because I spent month after month working with church folks who simply wanted to help neighbors who were down on their luck no matter what they looked like,or where they came from,or who they prayed to. It was on those streets, in those neighborhoods,that I first heard God's spirit beckon me. It was there that I felt called to a higher purpose -- His purpose." -the great divider

So using your own logic, religion must be governing every aspect of his life too. By supporting him you're verbally kissing gods peter. See how ridiculous this sounds?


Scientia Cannabis
"I didn't become a Christian until many years later,when I moved to the South Side of Chicago after college. It happened not because of indoctrination or a sudden revelation,but because I spent month after month working with church folks who simply wanted to help neighbors who were down on their luck no matter what they looked like,or where they came from,or who they prayed to. It was on those streets, in those neighborhoods,that I first heard God's spirit beckon me. It was there that I felt called to a higher purpose -- His purpose." -the great divider

So using your own logic, religion must be governing every aspect of his life too. By supporting him you're verbally kissing gods peter. See how ridiculous this sounds?
It's pretty clear for anyone to see that Rmoney and Ryan are hardcore religious people.
They connect everything to religion and puts religion first.

I'm not sure whether Obama is religious or an atheist.
Sure he has said he is Christian but the thing about it is that you cannot be president of the US without believing in god.

I'm not the one who thought of this first btw, Christopher Hitchens and Sam Harris have both said he possibly might be an atheist.
It's impossible to know for now (maybe forever) because if he claimed it he would never be voted for again.

Anyway, if he isn't an atheist then we can assume his every decision is guided by religion and that is a sad thing.
I would not want religion anywhere near government decisions.
Separation of church and state is vital, something the American people seem to have overlooked.
You founding fathers were quite clear on this but you have changed a lot over time.
Most of you even think *In god we trust* was the original version of your dollar bill.
Americans are extremely ignorant with regards to history.

Again, I'm not supporting Obama or any other American.
I am not American and thus have no say in your election.

But I still have opinions and preferences on certain issues that might affect me (especially foreign policy wise).
There is nothing ridiculous about saying that if you support a religious person, you are in essence supporting religion, because they will live out their ideas on the basis of religion and let religion guide them along (thus you are in effect promoting religion).


Well-Known Member
I'm not sure whether Obama is religious or an atheist.
Sure he has said he is Christian but the thing about it is that you cannot be president of the US without believing in god.

Yeah so what you're saying is that because RR are religious its impossible to support them without directly supporting religion.
However even though BO says he's religios, you, a journalist and some nutty CEO know much more about his relationship with "god" than himself.
Therefore it must be some grand conspiracy to get votes.... seems legit. Why do you come to a cannabis forum to the politics section to fail troll
if you're not even eligible to vote? Seems pretty silly especially when all opinions on the matter are irrelevant and misguided. Peace dude you bore me.


Scientia Cannabis
Yeah so what you're saying is that because RR are religious its impossible to support them without directly supporting religion.
However even though BO says he's religios, you, a journalist and some nutty CEO know much more about his relationship with "god" than himself.
Therefore it must be some grand conspiracy to get votes.... seems legit. Why do you come to a cannabis forum to the politics section to fail troll
if you're not even eligible to vote? Seems pretty silly especially when all opinions on the matter are irrelevant and misguided. Peace dude you bore me.
You aren't making any sense.
All I said was that, like other skeptics, I believe some of the US past presidents (and perhaps Obama) might have been/are atheist.
Nothing to do with a conspiracy to get votes, or any conspiracy.
It's just a statement of facts concluded by clever people who have done research and looked at the controversy.

Who said I was a journalist? And who is the 'nutty CEO'?
You are rambling.

I am as much allowed to state my opinion as you are, whether I can vote or not doesn't have anything to do with where I can post.
There are a lot of other nationalities on this forum you know..

I've been on this site for a lot longer than you have and I spend most of my time helping people.
You on the other hand seem to only post in the politics section.
It's sort of like you are pointing out your own flaws by way of projection.

You call me out for going to a cannabis forum and posting in the politics section.
Yet you are the one who does nothing else but post in the politics section, you don't help people, you don't show your grow (I'm seriously doubting whether you know anything about growing) and you waste peoples time with you nonsense.

Twist the facts all you want, put words in my mouth, do whatever you have to to make yourself feel better.
The projections are clear as night and day lad, something tells me you have problems.


Well-Known Member
You said you Christopher Hitchens (journalist), Sam Harris (Ceo) all believe hes an atheist.....
now don't even comprehend enough to relate the two.

What else do I need to spell out for you? Also, my avatar is a picture of my first grow.


Scientia Cannabis
They are (were, in Hitchens case) much more than a journalist and a CEO.
Why are you even bringing up their profession? As if it has any baring on the discussion.

Also, it isn't just me, Hitchens and Harris who have postulated this. Tons of other people have written books, held seminars etc. on this exact subject.
Why don't you do a google search, research a bit, find some facts before you try to twist the discussion into a complete irrelevant sidestep.

You are impossible to discuss anything with.
You ignore 85% of what I write and you just quote one or two lines and make your cretinous points completely out of context.

I can only bring up the point I made last time because it stills rings as true as before:

You call me out for going to a cannabis forum and posting in the politics section.
Yet you are the one who does nothing else but post in the politics section, you don't help people, you don't show your grow (I'm seriously doubting whether you know anything about growing) and you waste peoples time with you nonsense.
You have no credibility what so ever.
I haven't seen anyone give you any praise for your knowledge on cannabis or say thank for you helping them.
And there's good reason why nobody sees this.

It's because you waste all your time in a politics section on a cannabis forum, trying to convince people of your backwards theories and stipulations which have no basis in facts.

You post no references, no substantial quotes, no vital information.
All you do is spew your ignorant and arrogant thoughts.

On top of all this, your attitude is that of a grumpy teenager.
Just look at your behavior.
I don't see how anyone can take anything you say seriously.
But I guess those who do don't have much in the brain department, they don't value reason or logic, just as you don't.

I mean who has to make sense when you can just write whatever you want, make loud noises and proclaim to have won.



Well-Known Member
You post no references, no substantial quotes, no vital information.
All you do is spew your ignorant and arrogant thoughts.

Here are two quotes that show exactly how retarded your logic is:

"Anyway, if he isn't an atheist then we can assume his every decision is guided by religion and that is a sad thing.
I would not want religion anywhere near government decisions." - From you

"And let me tell you, these past two years, they have deepened my faith. The presidency has a funny way of making a person feel the need to pray. Abe Lincoln said, as many of you know, 'I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go.'" - From Obama

I only need to post a few sentences at a time because your long winded posts are avoiding all of your previous errors like the one above.
Lets get out tape measure-rs and measure bud sizes/penises to settle this once and for all since you keep bringing growing into it, at least
I'm ONLY a dick on this sub section and don't come off as a pretentious asshole everywhere else on the forum. The same can't be said for you.
Lets see some of your amazing "credibility".


Well-Known Member
Also, I have maybe 15 threads started total, if you cant find my grow thread in that plethora of threads there is no hope for you, this
site has also implemented a search function that would have assisted you too, instead you just look silly...... again.


Well-Known Member
If you go to 2:45 seconds on this video, and you watch the black guy to the right of Joe Biden (our right, not his.) you can see him holding his head when Biden says the middle class has been buried for the last 4 years. haha. I went and watched the whole video and he isn't really, but it was funny as hell.


Well-Known Member
Now biden promises to give everyone his whole load, ill post the hilarious video in a bit, also to the troll in my thread: I "MITE" consider my previous grow experience before questioning others, haha get it mite? Like spider mites.

I did better in an armoire than you did in two weak ass rooms WITH a "grow partner" haha ill be back after work for you too sweetie.

video [video=youtube;WNPbTyAJvC8]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WNPbTyAJvC8[/video]


Scientia Cannabis
Here are two quotes that show exactly how retarded your logic is:

"Anyway, if he isn't an atheist then we can assume his every decision is guided by religion and that is a sad thing.
I would not want religion anywhere near government decisions." - From you

"And let me tell you, these past two years, they have deepened my faith. The presidency has a funny way of making a person feel the need to pray. Abe Lincoln said, as many of you know, 'I have been driven to my knees many times by the overwhelming conviction that I had no place else to go.'" - From Obama

I only need to post a few sentences at a time because your long winded posts are avoiding all of your previous errors like the one above.
Lets get out tape measure-rs and measure bud sizes/penises to settle this once and for all since you keep bringing growing into it, at least
I'm ONLY a dick on this sub section and don't come off as a pretentious asshole everywhere else on the forum. The same can't be said for you.
Lets see some of your amazing "credibility".

You still don't get it.
I'm not saying that it's a fact that Obama is an atheist.
I'm saying he could be, we might never know. The point is that he doesn't seem like he's letting religion take a huge part in his decision making.

You really don't get it, you haven't read what I wrote properly because you are diverting the discussion.

I don't even want to link you to anything, you can find the damn information I've written here by clicking my nick or doing a simple search.
I get why that might be hard for you though.
I don't need to prove myself to you, I've written extensively on this forum and helped a lot of people.


Well-Known Member
You still don't get it.
I'm not saying that it's a fact that Obama is an atheist.
I'm saying he could be, we might never know. The point is that he doesn't seem like he's letting religion take a huge part in his decision making.

You really don't get it, you haven't read what I wrote properly because you are diverting the discussion.

I don't even want to link you to anything, you can find the damn information I've written here by clicking my nick or doing a simple search.
I get why that might be hard for you though.
I don't need to prove myself to you, I've written extensively on this forum and helped a lot of people.
I already found your information that's why I made the spider mite jokes found above.... im glad you use your time helping others decide trichrome color, however that doesn't make you a professional grower and now you just look ridiculous having brought growing into it. Anyone who points to shitty digital timers in a video and says they installed "new equipment" doesn't have the right to call out anyone for growing. Once again, my grow was better in a self contained home made wardrobe. What's good?


Scientia Cannabis
Anyone who points to shitty digital timers in a video and says they installed "new equipment" doesn't have the right to call out anyone for growing.
That is the proper grammatical way of saying it.
Just like it's called installing lights, it's called "installing a timer".

I'm not sure why you are hung up on that.


Well-Known Member
That is the proper grammatical way of saying it.
Just like it's called installing lights, it's called "installing a timer".

I'm not sure why you are hung up on that.
Just made me laugh is all, you can church it up all you want but I've never considered plugging a timer in an equipment install...


Well-Known Member
So mouthy back then now nothing, and it was just starting to get fun. I thought you wanted to have a pissing match about growing?


Scientia Cannabis
I stopped reading your bullshit when I saw you making lame jokes on the basis of you not understanding grammar.

Not even your good buddies who normally 'like' everything you post and vice versa have bothered to do so. And I see you guys liking each other all day every day, like some sort of weird ritual.
Perhaps they will now it's been mentioned?
Who knows? Who cares?

Anyway I've wasted enough of my time on the ignorant.