5 Years

Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
Five years ago would you imagine the US to have a black president? What does this mean for the future? What's the US going to look like in five years? Perhaps a Hemp Revolution, or 2012's polar shift, global warming, another great depression? Predictions?

I for one just hope Palin isn't elected president.


Well-Known Member
I'll second the Palin comment. If tonights vote on health care "reform" is any indication we may not be able to watch the news and/or participate in 5 years. Just speculation... but seriously the dems and Obama had complete disregard for anyones but their own opinion. Landmark legislation like this should not be rushed through or dealt up in back room proceedings and no legislation in this country(before this or after) should EVER force American citzens too buy something they don't want/need(the insurance mandate), that my friends is uncostitutional. I am in support of things like eliminating insurance companies dropping people with pre-existing conditions, thats fucked up, but when 80 amendments are offered up to this bill in one session (yesterday) and none of them are even seriously debated, thats some serious mismanagement of power and its scary to think what else they want to push through while in power. When party loyalty overrides Constitutional/Citizen loyalty we lose the very fabric of our Republic. A Republic that many thousands if not millions of men before us have died to preserve.