5 weeks flowering, leaves are yellow/browning and falling off


Active Member
The girls have been flowering for 5 weeks and the past week leaves have been turning yellow on the viens, they are turning brown and getting brittle. Im not sure what the problem is. Im using a 400watt hps, growing in soil, temps are between 71-78 and humidity 48-55%. I thought is was an over fertilization problem but i have been giving them plain water but the problem seems to be getting worse and speading. Could it be a magnesium deficiency? any help would be great. thanks


duncan idaho

Active Member
just from what i can see it looks like MAYBE a little to much N ,atleast that looks like part of the problem. hope it gets better:( peace.


Active Member
well i flushed them out and it doesnt seem to be getting any better. Most of the larger fan leaves have died off and some of the small leaves near the bud sites are starting to yellow and get brittle.


Active Member
same exact look to my plants and i even tried flushing them out twice within 4 days because i thought it was nute burn too.. im growing 1-2ft tall clones in 1 gal pails and transplanted them all yesterday. ended up they all were kinda root bound and each one was starting root rot. not sure if it was over watering or the ph level that caused it but now 70% of the white hairs turned orange and i think i'll be left harvesting premature if they don't pick up by next week.. still looking for more information


Active Member
I checked the ph of the water that i have been giving them and it was 5.8, could that be one of the problem? also my pots are kinda small i think only three gallons maybe a bit less, but i have had a couple grows with them with no problems. Tonight I mixed up some water and made sure the ph was higher, 7.1 so maybe that will help but i think that if it doesnt im going to have to harvest early they are 3days fro 8 weeksand repotting wont help i dont think since is so late in the game.. last time i went 10weeks and the trichs were half amber half cloudy. Should i give it a few more days and see if it gets better and if not harvest before they die?


Active Member
I found alot of fungus gnats on the surface of the soil, but they're dead now. It doesn't seem to be getting worse but they still look bad. Here's some new pictures, anyone think they'll be able to make it?



Well-Known Member
gst1147, What does fungus gnats look like? because my plants are getting yellow spots and I saw one tiny reddish orange looking fly around my plants, should I be worried and what do you think the best thing there is to do to rid pests/insects or what did you use to rid them?


Well-Known Member
No probs with that,, you want to stop flushing and let the leaves go brown, thats part of the cycle the older leaves and some younger ones will die off, just watch the buds, as thats what its all about at the end of the day, in exactly the same situation 5 weeks flowering and mine are brown too, just happens that way with some strains i guess
peace to you


Active Member
well in my case i dont think that it is because of the strain, this is the third time i have grown this strain and this is also the first time that it has done this. Also most of all the leaves have some sort of discoloration. As for the gnats i just got some spray that can be used on vegetables and just sprayed them down and the next day they were gone. Im still not sure what the problem is and the buds look pretty sad and all three plants are like this.


Well-Known Member
gst1147, What does fungus gnats look like? because my plants are getting yellow spots and I saw one tiny reddish orange looking fly around my plants, should I be worried and what do you think the best thing there is to do to rid pests/insects or what did you use to rid them?
After becoming sick of recurring fungus gnats i tried my own solution after trying sticky strips etc.
I took a plant dish and put 4 large teaspoons of molasses in it and mixed with a little bit of water,those flys loved it and died in it lol.
I now have hardly any at all and all i do is add a little bit of water to it everyday to break its surface tension so they cant fly out of it and mix the old flys into the mix.
Seriously this has totally(almost)eradicated them in less than a week.
any sugary solution will do just fine they dont seem to be able to resist it:blsmoke:

I would never spray my weed unless i got spider mites and then i would only use a dishsoap and water spray.


Well-Known Member
This is what ive done and so far its killed hundreds of the little buggers now i just see the odd 1 or 2 and they end up in the trap as you can see.
All the little bubbles and bits you can see on the surface are flys.


Well-Known Member
Ive only just realized how cool that picture is,or at least how cool its gonna be in a bit when ive finished with it:blsmoke:


Well-Known Member
would love to see what u do with the pic- its shiny... or maybe im just as stoned as you were?


Well-Known Member
natmoon, thanks for the information, it's definitely cheaper then sticky strips etc. and worth a shot.

gst1147 I panicked , went out and bought a bottle of Schultz Insect Spray, seemed to of worked but a couple of days later there one a flying around, can get quite expensive having to spray twice a week but I do have to figure something out before I start to flower witch hopefully will be soon.

Thanks for the information guys, gst I hope your plants are doing better and will come through.